Keep in mind that these things are designed to make sure you're a person and not a computer trying to pretend to be a person. It is possible to create some programs that can identify partial pictures and select them, so a lot of the CAPTCHA features use a "best-fit" methodology in their picture selections. In other words, the pictures presented may not fit exactly with the term described, but you will have to pick the picture that comes the closest. Computers are incapable of thinking this way no matter how well they're programmed - they can reason through everything but deduction over wider scopes is something they woefully lack in. If you don't believe me, have a grandmaster play chess against a half decent computer and, when it loses, the strategists will be explaining all the strategic (not tactical - it's really good at those) blunders the computer made.
Fun Fact: With text based CAPTCHA systems where one word is quite readable but the other is all distorted, by answering you are proving you are human but also just digitised a word. Why use a computer with sophisticated software to convert pictures of pages from books into text when you can force humans to do the job for free.
Though I did immediately spot the piano, I can definitely see how you'd think it was a bowling alley. My big pet peeve with the picture captchas is when there are multiple animals and it tells me to "click the wild animal." I've been caught multiple times because I overlooked one of them and apparently fish, dolphins, and other marine lifeforms only qualify for "click the underwater," a little bit of genius that I had not seen before in the world of grammar.
I played piano for about 2-3 years, and did not spot the piano until it was pointed out. It was truly a fail on my end.
I vote on that one too, its the only one I vote on because of the bar. But... I slacked off and my voting time ended up being at 1130PM, we cant have that... so I voted on topg for 1 time and this is what happens
It takes me less than two minutes to vote. I also vote for my secret alternate account a few hours after I vote for everybody else.
Wait who is this captcha? Is he giving you a hard time? I'll give him a stern talking to! (Just kidding )
Like others have mentioned, the "wild animals" one always gets me. For example, today I was given just that. I had the choice of a ladybug (or ladybird, for those of you in the UK), some sort of water bird, and a pair of sharks. Which one would you pick? The sharks were apparently the correct answer, even though a manatee counts as strictly "underwater". I've also had experiences with a very clearly caged animal still being considered a "wild animal" It's time you got yo' facts straight, Captcha. Pshh, it's obviously the top-left image. You must have noticed the tiny, out-of-focus train tracks that are almost the same color as the background. It's a proven fact that train tracks = train.
i think those captchia's are cruel sometimes. i love the slidy vote one.. i wish they were all like that..
It's obviously the W xD Did you really not see that? Interesting how you can sometimes see things completely the wrong way. Things like this often happened to me as well, but the bowling alley piano is the best I've seen so far xD A thing about the captchas, though, is that you need to know what questions exist. Else you won't know the difference between insects, underwater and wild animals. The people one can also be pretty difficult to get, same for the toys and games.
It was not obvious. You can see buildings and train tracks. There is no train, unless it is the blurred object in the background. Besides, I chose "W" when I voted.