The town is growing!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Mar 8, 2015.

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  1. If you need me to lay candy trails to draw people in just ask. Or to lure people away......
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  2. This is gonna sound rude no matter which way I put it, but did you really have too?
    Also, this
  3. crystaldragon13 and AmusedStew like this.
  4. Yes, I really HAD to. NO open spots on Utopia, it had to be done.

    I thought I said I was done with this thread.... Oh well.
    Perry_Stahlsis and hashhog3000 like this.
  5. Now there should be a town border... :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. First of all, as we've all said several times, the staff have done everything possible to make just about everyone happy. They've added more residences to please new and old members alike, and then for those that are unhappy due to corners, they not only reserved you a spot but also discounted the price by a ton of rupees! I'm not quite sure where your whole hypocrite idea comes in, but I think they've done a fine job.
    Second, you are actually kind of correct on your last point, and yet you are impossibly wrong. Most of us probably would care more if it were happening to us, but the fact remains that it's not, because corner owners are an extremely tiny part of our community and most of us own a central res. However, there is no reason whatsoever to claim that everyone supporting this residence addition is "everything wrong with the world," because there actually is quite a lot more wrong with the world than a few people who don't really mind that a virtual square of grass is now going to have eight squares of virtual grass around it instead of just three, perhaps resulting in somebody having to look at a virtual hut made of virtual dirt. At this point, your comments have crossed the line from angry to just plain rude, and I'd like to ask you to please stop. The matter has been closed by the admins, and it's not going to be changing.

    Anyway, nice job, admins. :) I think that you did a fantastic job handling this move, and I look forward to seeing a new crop of residences spring up! :D

    Ya know, I remember seeing the inventors of that appear on Shark Tank looking for a business investor. Their opening line was "Everybody knows that the best part of brownies are the edges!" That kind of threw me for a loop, because I think the middle is by far the best, as the edges tend to get a bit hard and not all gooey and chocolatey and wonderful like the middle. :p
  7. I definitely agree. The Admins are doing an amazing job expanding the residences to accomodate new players and new residences for everyone and not only to annoy the corner residence owners.

    I don't quite understand where the hypocrite idea comes in. Might you be able to go a it more into detail on that point? :)
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  8. Here is a question. If we are over our res limit, can we still get our res moved?
    Pab10S likes this.
  9. It will be weird for me when they add a ring to smp8 because I live on the edge of town and am not used to having people living behind me.
  10. "I had to unclaim someone's residence the other day." What é that!? Unclaiming!?
  11. Definitely. I've had it done before.

    Ignore that please. :)
    boozle628, Pab10S and hashhog3000 like this.
    • the new residences will get populated mostly by members who are new and/or active at the present time, but the extra number of residences is actually there to support the derelict policy, to avoid having to change it and to avoid to dispossess current (currently inactive) owners and delete their builds.
    • if the server capacity is reached, if the number of active players during peak times is near the limit, then adding more players to the server will do no good.
    • in such decisions where there is no win-win situation possible, there is a need to set priorities - to see which needs have more priority and which less. The best way to find that out is:
      • inform the community about the issue, about the need for a change and about technical constrains, get attention
      • present possible solutions and ask for comments. the community will probably generate new and improved solutions
      • have polls / voting if needed
      • decide based on the outcome, consider potentially negatively affected minorities
      • present the decision and call for comment, add a cycle if needed
      • provide information about the implementation
      • evaluate and amend if needed, keep the community informed
    • never put yourself above the community, never underestimate the community. it has hundreds of brains and a lot of good will.
    00void, JackBiggin, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  12. Source:

    The wiki doesn't contain a whole lot of information on the topic, but I have some more to add:

    You can force unclaim a residence for 5,000 rupees once a player falls into "Derelict Status." You will unclaim the residence and place it in your control. The command works as a normal reset and unclaim would, so it will clear all blocks and entities on the residence. Read more on the derelict policy at
  13. Day 1 Update:
    The first ring of utopia residences is ready for official residence creation after Aikar moves the town boundary so I stop getting spammed with 'Where are you going?' messages =P (basically town roads are built for the layout)
    This will add residences 5441 - 5528 to utopia once they are officially set-up with commands.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. Woah now, while emotions have definitely flared in this thread, no need to use gender in a negative way.
  15. O
    Your right. That's uncalled for. Sorry
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  16. While it appears I am late to the discussion, I wanted to take a few moments to express a few thoughts.

    I think it is really awesome to be a part of this community. I may not chat as much as most around, but I simply enjoy being on the Empire, doing my own thing, and lending a hand from time to time when opportunity arises. Personally I have a inner city plot on SMP2, and think it is awesome to have a place to come home to from the frontier. Not only does my whole family play, but recently at Christmas we got my nephew to join. He simply loves the Empire. If I am not mistaken, it has even helped his grades. He does his best so he can log in :) Also, since he is often at my parents, my dad has become introduced to the Empire. While he is not big on computers, I can tell he likes what he sees my nephew doing. This being the case, I bought him a Minecraft account and am currently setting him up a res too.

    I said all of the above so that the sincerity of my comments ring true. I think the Admins do a Superb job, and having been in management positions often myself, I applaud their efforts. This is a very Professional environment, and once I found it, I have not had any desire to look elsewhere for my Minecraft itch. Thank you Kryssy, Thank you Aikar, Thank you Senior Staff, and all the Moderators who devote so much energy and time to the Empire.

    Now that I got you guys all buttered up :) I had an idea which could be for a future expansion, since I read you may have to revamp the number system for any further expansions. I have always wondered why the towns did not have a wall around them. So as to echo the significance of the Empire. What if you were to build a small courtyard like area around the outer edge that then came to an epic wall with entrances at the center points, and have towers on the corners and equally spaced along the way. Yea, you can look at my res, and see I do like castles. But to take the idea a step further, why not have some res's on the outside of the wall that are not stacked right on top of each other, and let the terrain do it's thing with trees growing here and there. These res's could still be 60x60, but with considerable spacing in between. This out lying area could be the suburbs of the town. A north, east, south, and west side of town. Roads could be dirt trails or cobble paths instead of the illustrious sandstone roads of the town. The staggered dwellings would give more "Island" effect that I believe Kryssy mentioned, yet without all the digging to put water in. Future res's like this could be preceded by a S for suburb such as s001 or maybe there is a better word / letter to utilize. Expand this out so far and put in some direct frontier connection via spawn points. So if you were to ride due west from town center you could then come to a gate and actually progress outside of town, and then proceed further in the countryside until you reach a place that would take you to the West Frontier. Personally, I could see wanting to move one of my res's out of town into an area like this, which would free up another town spot.

    I understand that was a lot to take in, and yes, I know it is still probably holier than Swiss cheese with obvious problems I have failed to observe at the moment. But it is just an idea, and maybe something like this could be plausible. So I pitch the idea in, and curiously await what others thoughts are on something like this. If the discussion had gone longer on this topic, I had planned to try and make a replica of the streets and a wall around them in single player. Hopefully, the point is fuzzy enough to see in words though.

    Have a great day, and Long Live the Empire!
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