The town is growing!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Mar 8, 2015.

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  1. Let's not :p
  2. I want to clear up my reasoning behind this:

    Yes. There are plenty of abandoned plots. Yes we're not currently stressed on residences for SMP1-9, but we are on utopia.

    However, over the Winter holidays, we WERE stressed on Residences. Right now, we are pushing the limits on how many residences we can support...

    This change is about user experience. If a new player joins and we're out of Residences, thats bad.

    If a player joins, and decides to take 6 days off before they come back because they can only play on weekends, and to find their residence gone, thats bad.

    I've seen NUMEROUS new players ask where their residence went, simply because they went 6 days.

    This is the problem. We can't solve pruning the abandons too aggressively or we start to hit legit players... We are currently hitting legit players. I am not happy with the 5 day mark on abandoned residences.

    Right now our system derelict is pretty smart, and tries its best to get the inactives, but it has to be careful. So therefor you see a lot of empty plots still.

    Also, there is the case of some players choose to go to the wild immediately, and didn't build in town.
    This can cause an increase in town "new player" appearances. However want every player to least have a residence for when they enter town...

    Instead of pushing for stricter policy to DESTROY creations, we chose to go for the more GIVING policy of enabling MORE creations.

    I am also willing to bet there are more people happy to have a new neighbor than their are upset about having a new neighbor. The Empire is about community.. So this is what we are going to shoot for.

    Krysyy has worked hard to try to accommodate the issues presented by a few, but we never promised that corner res's would stay corner res's.

    It is our job, as jkjk said, to do whats best for the community in whole. and focusing on creating instead of destroying, and bringing new neighbors to meet and become friends with is common sense to me.

    As for comments on lag, krysyy pretty much covered it, but going to back up the statement.

    Increasing residence count does not impact lag at all.

    If 40 players are on, 40 players are on... That doesn't change much. Everyone can still be just as uniquely distributed, it won't change anything in any realistic scale. Sure if some active player is on a corner lot they cause less overall and now will trigger a few more residences to load, but a single player is not the breaking point. It would take 10 ACTIVE players all constantly staying on their edge residences, for it to now be a noticeable increase. And even then its still minor in numbers.

    We're not making decisions on extreme fringe cases like that.

    Also, # of available residences has no impact on the demand for player caps. Our join process is evenly distributed, so each server has equal demand unless one server just happens to get lucky to get more active players sent to it.

    This update is about improving our derelict policy, ensuring more people have the ability to build and hopefully destroy less residences from players who actually do intend to come back...

    I have thought about another idea that might make the derelict system even smarter: Consider the last time the user has pinged our server on their server list... if someone immediately deletes it, we can give some stricter times, but if someone doesn't come on in 5 days but has been seen hitting us on their server list, give them a little extra buffer time.
  3. I live on the edge, the way i look at it is i am getting more neighbors and more places to make my HQ. And more people can live on smp5. I do not see why we need to move any res'. You chose where you put your res and thats not staff's fault
    cadenman2002 and hashhog3000 like this.
  4. I take that back. I've talked to Senior Staff and you can't. The system will freak out.
  5. I was on the edge. I enjoyed my edge life no people behind me no need to face my store a certain direction. Guess I'll pay for a move.
  6. I have no problem with the reasoning behind this expansion. Obviously. It is needed, and probably long overdue. I would just like to know what is so wrong with the idea of expanding out in a slightly more creative shape, like what JackBiggin suggested, or what B4DMAN5IMON suggested, or what KnightZer0ne suggested. (My favourite being the + shape, with the 29-wide branches, or even thinner, really.) This would not defeat any purpose of your plan, but it would save every single corner residence, at least to a much larger extent than the current plan. I'm worried that people are thinking I am arguing against this plan, but no, I only have a problem with the placement of a few residences around each corner. I'm also worried that the reason for not changing the shape might be simply because "Oh, it's Minecraft, so it's a square," or "Well that's how it looks now." I implore you to think outside the box here.

  7. Please see the final decision compromise as quoted in the OP.
    We are still making concessions to corner residences over edge residences by reserving the spots available for the 30 day period, but EVERYONE gets the same residence move benefit this way.
  8. I'm just not too keen on paying 200,000 rupees every time there's an expansion, and giving up res 4487, which I've had since the day smp2 was created. If that's really the solution, I'm just gonna stay where I am and give up on my whole "corner res" theme I've got going on. :/
    PenguinDJ and ShelLuser like this.
  9. That is your choice. If you prioritize time spent on a residence over residence location, feel free to stay where you are.
  10. -Messes with the residence numbering
    -Adds an unnecessary level of complexity to the process
    -Results in fewer actual residences being added
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  11. Adding a green belt around the original town (at least one residence + roads wide) and then the new residences outside of it will make border end edge residences stay border and edge residences of the original town.

    Perhaps this green belt can have some nice plants / trees on it?
    Perhaps people from the town could apply to style it and make nice parks / landscape.
    Perhaps the owners of adjacent residences can have a say about what to do there.

    I see this as potentially significant increase in value of the edge and border residences.

    Isn't that a win-win solution or at least a very good compromise?
    Isn't that good enough?
    Uber_Corq and cadenman2002 like this.
  12. I agree. Apparently, the edge residence owners want more than they've already been gifted by Staff (the 50% move discount), so I think this would be a cool addition to the community and it would definitely make the edge res owners happy. :)
  13. The final compromise was made yesterday and some residences are already formed. Staff has conceded on their end and allowed a discount to be applied. However, the current plans will stay as they are noted in the OP.
  14. So, no green belt? :confused:

    You've brought up the topic less than 40 hours ago.
    Why such rush?
    This things take time. It's not good to rush that.

    Nothing is "final" as long as there is Life :)

    You can (and should) always re-evaluate decisions and amend if it makes sense.
    00void, JackBiggin and Uber_Corq like this.
  15. Okay, thanks. I had not read the last posts before this yet; thanks for clarifying.
  16. -Numbering system is already very messy, and will be messed up further with future expansions anyway
    -Not much more complicated, and even if it is, something not being "necessary" doesn't make it not better
    -They can be expanded by an indefinite number of rows, so it makes no difference either way
  17. ohhh. Okay cool. I say go for it!
  18. We did re-evaluate and we did amend. Residences are needed as soon as possible. Why put off something that we can start and is needed now? We took information from the community survey that made it blatantly obvious you guys want derelict to stay as it is or even increase in some cases. Therefore, the town has to be expanded.
    A greenbelt was discussed and dismissed due to the separation it creates in our town. If we added a 'greenbelt', it would separate those players off from the rest of town by a substantial amount, something not everyone is a fan of. The town is about community interaction, not isolation.

    I'm sorry if you are still upset with the final outcome, but we did compromise on our end and the town will be expanding as discussed previously.
  19. The increased size is a good move. The demand is there. The lowered cost for moving residences is the most effective way to handle this. Nobody gets favoritism extended, not even supporters, who normally get it because they're paying real money for it.

    What you've suggested is that a minority of players, who may or may not be financially vested in the success of EMC get favoritism because they have a strong opinion on what kind of residence they want to have, and either have not managed their rupees well enough to afford the move, or are being stingy. That is not fair to anyone.

    EMC is doing the right thing.

    EDIT: 50K rupees is easy for a non-paying player to accrue inside of two months. Those I see complaining have been a part of EMC longer than I have. That's why I mention stinginess.
  20. I highly recommend doing exactly that!
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