Well the time is slowly coming and I need to about 3 panels left then add details to the rest of them...
So the stuff is due in less than 24 hours and I'm rushing to get things done. xD Now aside from my obvious lack of proper time management (or maybe one or more of the examples from those few comments of complaints on life), I DO have a question. In par with the rule against swearing. What about certain acronyms? You know the one I'm talking about >.>
I mean, I'd assume that acronyms for swear words aren't allowed, since they're practically still swearing
If only. It would've helped to lighten the kind of, but not really, darker aspect. Now that I've had some sleep and it's not 2am, I know how to comply appropriately. I dunno if I'm totally awake yet tho. "where's my coffee mom?!!!!"
Right. Submitted. Thank gods that's over. I vote we do it again. I'm on an adrenaline high atm xD Here's a link too btw: http://darkhalm7.deviantart.com/art/Ghast-Theory-479497574?ga_submit_new=10%3A1409538610 I don't know how to use imgur. I'm sorry. I didn't have time to learn. But I will for future entries. Also, this IS mine, it's in my explanationy bit below the pic, since I just realized my username is different. :I
Lol, yeah. I somehow convinced myself it was due at about 7pm my time xD it was yesterday I realized that it's 8.59pm.
It only took me about 10 minutes to think of/make my comic. It probably won't do the best, because I put very little effort into it.