New Supporting Options!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Jul 9, 2014.

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  1. OK, for Ease, lets break this down into 3 situations.
    If I was any good at using spoilers I would make three nice, fancy buttons (staff feel free to jump in, grab the info and make some spoiler buttons for me!)

    This should simplify the ‘end results’ for 80% of people who wish to see the bottom line of what this really means to them. Feel free to correct me, as I am not staff, but just an EMC-er trying to help out, and don’t take my word as gospel as this is my understanding. (staff feel free to correct/edit (or yell at) me if need me if I mis-understood something!)

    Aikar, thanks for the technical side of it as well. It gives me a deeper understanding of the intent of how this is to work.

    And now for the 3 scenarios!

    <<If you were only ever a FREE player (Never a supporter)>>

    You keep your 1 res as it is.
    You now have the ability to earn 2 more residence with res vouchers yourself (most likely through tokens and/or voting).
    In addition, if you get obtain res vouchers from other players, you can claim up to 6 resses!

    <<If you were previously a supporter, however no longer a supporter>>
    Your resses that you currently have will remain the same as they are today.
    You will not lose them as long as you do NOT unclaim them or go derelict!

    Your res limit will become 2, so if you have more resses than that, you will not have the ability to claim more than 2.
    (This is better than before, as the old limitation was set back to 1 when you went back to a ‘free’ player!)
    Fear not though! You can earn 2 additional res vouchers yourself (most likely through tokens/voting).
    In addition, if you get more vouchers from other players, you have the ability to claim up to 6 resses!

    For example, if you have 2 resses, you will be able to unclaim one, and reclaim a second one again!
    If you have 4 resses, and unclaim one, you will NOT be able to claim another as your limit is two.
    Keep in mind that your res limit changes, when you redeem vouchers to get more resses (up to 6 remember!)
    So, keep your voting streak up, and keep earning those tokens!

    <<If you are a current supporter>>
    Your resses that you currently have will remain the same as they are today.
    You will not lose them as long as you do NOT unclaim them or go derelict!

    Your res limit will become 2, so if you have more resses than that, you will not have the ability to claim more than 2.
    (This is different than before if you were a Diamond supporter, as your old limit was 4, and the new limit is 2)
    Fear not though! You can earn 2 additional res vouchers yourself (most likely through tokens/voting).
    In addition, if you get more vouchers from other players, you have the ability to claim up to 6 resses!

    For example, if you have 2 resses, you will be able to unclaim one, and reclaim a second one again!
    If you have 4 resses, and unclaim one, you will NOT be able to claim another as your new limit is two.
    Hence, do NOT unclaim a res if you have 4, until you claim enough vouchers to get your limit back up to 4 resses.
    Keep in mind that your res limit changes, when you redeem vouchers to get more resses (up to 6 remember!)
    So, keep your voting streak up, and keep earning those tokens!

    So, in all, as the new res limits are Permanent:
    Before if you were a supporter, and then went back to a ‘free’ player, you lost the ability to have any extra resses you claimed while being a supporter. You had to be a supporter again to get extra resses back after unclaiming.

    When you think of it, be sure to give thanks to the Staff for turning a bad situation into something awesome.
    Talk about lemons to lemonade.
  2. Wait, will you still be able to earn the vouchers through voting after the EULA changes actually take place? Because I don't have the vouchers yet,

    (Also, referencing to AlexChance's example post, player 109 actually isn't a diamond supporter, he only played for a day ;))
  3. You will be able to earn them through voting/tokens after the EULA changes occur, you will not be able to purchase them for Real World Money after this though.
    Seffychan and 607 like this.
  4. I asked this question on page one, and it never got answered, so here it is in better wording.
    There will be only a limited supply of the max residence vouchers around by the deadline of August 1. After that, the supply of these are gonna go down very quickly, leaving none to very few left. This means that many people who want another residence will not be able to have one because 1. They can't buy this upgrade, or 2. They don't have the rupees to buy it from another player. So, my question is, will we be able to buy residences with rupees/tokens in the future after August 1?
  5. No. The way they will be earned is through voting and/or tokens, which has been stated several times lol.
    607 likes this.
  6. Thank you Aikar! :)
  7. Time to build a new hotel when/if I get a 5th residence! :D
    Seffychan likes this.
  8. Yes and No. They will be earned through voting and tokens, however you're not required to redeem it yourself. You could use your 2nd and sell the third.

    The earn-able ones will also grant vouchers, so the vouchers will still exists, just potentially less volume as most players likely rather use them than sell them...
    mman2832, jkjkjk182 and Ultimamaxx like this.
  9. It all makes sense to me now. Although, I should sue Mojang for giving me headaches over this mess
  10. Do we really have to abide by the Mojang EULA? or can this be a secret?:confused:
  11. Well, some servers are likely ignoring it, but there is a risk that Mojang might actually do something this time around.

    Though on the flip side, notch made comments to the extent that they still won't even be enforcing it even after the deadline...

    Though, not complying after so much fuss was made would be even riskier. We have a solid plan, the trick is in wording it to everyone.

    In a few months everything should hopefully be clear, and hopefully even more supporters and an even better Empire where even Free players can earn more than a single Residence, and experience Utopia and 120x plots.
    Seffychan, jjp360, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  12. Thanks for clarification!
  13. i actually like this new concept for the res cap, however i don't necessarily like the the concept of "permanent" protection from derelict, although it is pricy and that alone will prevent most players from acquiring it, those who do acquire i fear will stop playing and create multitudes of dead res' which will no longer be recyclable for new players. that is my only concern regarding these new concepts.
    KingGeorge3rd likes this.
  14. We have 1500 * 9 60x60 lots with the ability to add a whole nother set of 1500 residences if we had to. We won't have to worry about it that much.

    Even if 500 people did it... thats still plenty of free residences to cycle through.
    MrsWishes likes this.

  15. I don't believe this was ever answered, please forgive me if it was. :) I don't mean to be pushy about it, but I just want to make sure it wasn't lost in the flood of other questions, as I know that you guys are doing your best to answer them all, but there are so many that some are bound to be missed. :) Thank you.
  16. As in, if you have more than 2 already? and simply start over on another?

    I guess we could offer that as a service (I just have to add a new command for Sr Staff to properly transfer a residence to a new owner as the Sr Staff would have to claim one for you first.)
  17. I suppose im not extraordinarily familiar with the numbers of it all. But like i said aside from that one (minuscule) possibility i approve of the newer changes.
  18. So say someone gets a gold supporter voucher do they get the same reses? or is it now that u get res vouchers and how may would u get?
  19. Yes. For example, you have four residences (three normal, one Utopia). You have 2 residence slots at the moment. Would it be possible to offer a service to downgrade your Utopia res (IF it has been reset) to a normal residence without needing a residence voucher as payment? I would love that. :) Thanks for the quick reply! :D
  20. I have 2 questions.

    First, when is the deadline? I thought I read somewhere that it was Aug 31 but then I saw Aug. 1st mentioned in this thread.

    Second, if I only claim 3 residences before the deadline, will I be able to get a voucher for the 4th or will I just lose it?

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