Quality Improvements - Now or wait a bit?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Jun 11, 2014.


Delay DT 3/4 for a few more round of updates

Yes, Including Friends List 132 vote(s) 58.7%
Yes, But hold off on friends list 30 vote(s) 13.3%
No, Release Part 3 first 63 vote(s) 28.0%
  1. This is in-game and is per player.
  2. I just want dragon tombs to be complete. People have been talking about it since i joined xD
  3. The dragon tombs idea is "nearly" as old as EMC itself :p
  4. Mirr0rr, TomvanWijnen and mba2012 like this.
  5. that picture thou
  6. as i don't care much about dragons i'm for usabillity first.
    and don't forget about the /mail expansion for supporters^^
  7. I'd prefer either, but I go for holding off friends list as first choice. In the 3/4 DT Update, I'd like the fragments to drop more common. I also want %s of the drop chance. Enraged don't seem drop anything.
  8. Friends list is simply a list in game that tells the server "I'm interested in receiving online presence notifications about this player", so for example, friend signs on smp1 while your on smp2, and with cross server tells, you know and can start messaging them.

    W/o the friends list idea, How will you know your friend is online? It all adds to the community experience and improves communication.

    "popularity contests" like "who has the most friends" is artificial and has no bearing on gameplay or enjoyment on the empire, so theres no harm in that.
    607, wisepsn and mba2012 like this.
  9. No, that would make it even more complicated to implement and not serve a real purpose.

    If you are issueing the command /v myfriendsres - you clearly have intent to go to that persons residence - so why should it matter if its a different server? We can send a message on server change "Click here to return back to SMP#", but the overall goal is to streamline and ease travel between servers.

    Note: It will only change you if it knows your in town.
    607 likes this.
  10. We've waited this long for DT's. I wouldn't mind a change in pace.
  11. The "click here to return back to SMP#" would work fine, but having a confirmation message before even going there would cause much less stress if you accidently typed in a res #.
  12. That would also add time and stress to those using the commands as intended, and the users not making mistakes. Sure, we could have a confirmation message for every single command in case someone typed it in wrong but it just makes more sense to have them work as if the user intended to use the command. I get that you have the interest of saving trouble for people in mind, but I think no confirmation message is something that would be in the interest of more people :)
    607 likes this.
  13. Primary would boil down to, do more people trigger it incorrectly than correctly, ie, does it cause more inconvenience than convenience.

    I really hope our players are not spamming unintended commands to the point it would cause more inconvenience than convenience :p
    Twitch1 and mba2012 like this.
  14. I haven't gotten any tokens from enraged. If too much environmental damage was dealt to the skeleton, it should at least say that too much damage wasn't from the player.
  15. Could you also improve the voting mail system?
    It currently does this:
    Mail from EmpireMinecraft: Vote Bonus 66 Rewards
    Received [Diamond]
    Mail from EmpireMinecraft: Vote Bonus 66 Reward
    Received: [Emerald]

    As opposed to this:
    Mail from EmpireMinecraft: Vote Bonus 66 Rewards
    Received: [Emerald] [Diamond]
    607 likes this.
  16. I don't see what is wrong with going to the wrong res. The current system doesn't confirm travel, why is it any different now? If you did type the wrong number, just try again or go back to your home
    BevK56 and 607 like this.
  17. Something else to consider is that I will soon be able to work on code again. Sitting up and typing for an hour at a time is possible and I am pretty burnt out on most of my other entertainment. Also, I am not needing pain meds very much and I think my concentration is improving to the point of coding again.

    We would have to come to an agreement on how to handle some of the issues you are talking about, but I didn't push the discussion because I wasn't really able to finish anything anyway.
  18. Well, you could be talking to your friend in town chat on SMP1 or something and BAM! Your on SMP72 somehow.
    Ethy202 likes this.
  19. Lol smp72
  20. good idea! that will be petty simple to do.

    Will take care of that tonight.
    BevK56, 607, bloodra1n and 2 others like this.