Have an issue? Let's Talk :)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Oh god I am so sorry. I didn't think cows had pms. At least it's only for a little bit each month. :p

    On a more serious note, I know people are complaining on how the 'popular' people or the people with 'good relations with ICC' or the people who 'work hard' are getting moderator.

    So here is my two cents worth and a penny for my thoughts. Where is the extra penny going? The government. ;)

    So I could write a huge wall of text, but honestly, the people who become moderator and people who are 'popular' do, in fact, correlate closely. BUT THERE IS A REASON!!! Why do you think they become popular or good friends with ICC in the first place!? Because they are good people, with the traits to being a good moderator. Kind, active, special skills, work hard, all of that and more gets you to being well known, and then possibly to Moderator. Now, contrary to popular belief, just being popular doesn't mean you get moderator. The Staff does not pick EMC's staff this way. And look, an example. Me.
    I would almost go as far to say that I am popular. At least well known. I know I have made my mark in this wonderful community, but I am not any rank of any sort. No moderator, nothing. Not that I am complaining though. ICC and staff know what they are doing when deciding moderators. ICC must not think I am worthy to be a moderator, and honestly, I agree with him. I know there are many other people who truly deserve this rank.
    I also know that I'm just another kid on the internet. No one special. And that's the way it should be.
  2. It generally ends in high-pitched screaming, footprints on ceilings, and cartoonish tiger-shaped holes in the nearest wall.
    Also blood. So much blood... o_o
  3. i wondered where all the villagers in my field went......
  4. EMC is hard. I appreciate that.

    I have always been amazed at how the purple guys manage. And the light green guys, and the green guys. They really have a passion for this community (as many of you do as well). I still have friends I made years ago, and make new ones all the time. The very idea of a server (in a world of griefed, robbed, harassed and unfriendly minecraft servers) being about doing stuff in the wild where you are vulnerable to what others do, but trusting that nobody messes with anyone else's projects and communicates and lives in community is EMC. The only people on staff I don't "like" are the ones I don't know well enough to like, because they all work to make EMC what it is.

    I forget who I am agreeing with here, but I was kind of expecting engaged mobs and mini-boss mobs to be only on the wasteland worlds. I also agree with Kilmannan I think when he talked about Momentus' sucking ability. It''s a bit of a joke when the only way to kill him is to re-spawn again and again and get in a few hits each time until you get sucked and killed again.

    EMC does cost money so it should make money. It would be nice if Aikar could dedicate himself full-time to EMC, as I think in the long run that will be best for all concerned.

    I wish staff didn't sell books and heads and stuff (except perhaps for real money as fund raising). It is a matter of fact that some idol worship comes with being staff, but I do not think it should be encouraged.

    Thanks to everyone for making EMC a great place to be.

  5. Sorry if I'm being very oblivious here, but where is it? :confused:
  6. Just going to put this up here for fun :p
  7. *closes window*

    Nooooooooooooo, we would not be doing that.
  8. Before I start this, I know I will be asked, "Didn't you just say you quit EMC a few days ago?" Well first off, I never said I was quitting, but that I am taking a break from EMC, mostly in game, but that I am still at least a little active on the forums. This is due to a real life problem I am dealing with, my PC running Minecraft one day and not running it the next, and the reason I am writing this, lack of interest with both Minecraft and EMC in general. I will be talking about the EMC part.

    First off, I am not losing interest because I think EMC sucks or that its going nowhere, I'm losing interest because the one thing I love the most about EMC isn't getting a lot of love, The Wild.

    Yes, we will be getting the ability to claim land in The Wild soon, which is great, and it does give The Wild love, but that's not the point of this. What I would like to see happen with The Wild is encouragement to SETTLE and form outposts in it. Yes, the ability to claim land will do some of that, but I have an idea that could help even more. My idea, a weekly/monthly "Outpost of the week/month." What this could do is encourage people to make good outposts, join good outposts, and simply just live in the wild. This of course would have an opt-in/opt-out feature for private camps, which would be done by saying (PRIVATE) or (PUBLIC) in the establishment forum. How the camps would be picked is up to you guys, but it would probably be done by rating the infrastructure of camps and what happens in them.

    Another idea I have would be a new rank, Wild Helpers. (Please come up with a better name..) This would be a rank given to players who the staff feel makes good contributions to The Wild by helping others and by just generally making The Wild a better place to live, work, and play. Would this rank have any special abilities? Not up to me.

    So those are my ideas, give me feed back if you want. :)

    Side note: Get wrecked USA. With Love, Canada.
  9. EMC's staff was on Defcon 1 after all this "drama" on the forums.

    At one point Smp-1 had 7 moderators on at a time. Just missed the screenshot.
  10. We are showing Zegridathes the ranks. =)
  11. Ok, fair warning this is going to be a slight rant against all the people wining about mod choices and pm secrecy (also I had a cooler longer version of this but I accidentally deleted it because I'm on my iPhone)
    1. Lets be real for a second ladies and gents if you are mad about the mod choices you are just mad because you or your friend didn't get a moderatorship. Icc has been doing this for almost 2 years so you should have a little faith.
    2. This is a privately owned server that we all have the privilege (not the right) to play on. If your mad about your Pm's being read then what are you writing? I've never been like "wow I would hate if a mod read that". If you don't want it read use Skype or don't write it plain and simple.
    Equinox_Boss and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  12. not entirely true, we encourage people to have private conversations, and people who never break any rules never need fear them being read, there was a misunderstanding regarding groups however that staff has agreed to revise. we like being as transparent as we can be, but in order to retain order certain amounts of secrecy must be used even begrudgingly.
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  13. Ok I get what your saying bite but my question is why is secrecy really needed maybe It's the fact that I'm not in a private group but is this totally secrecy really needed from what I understand if a person had a complaint they can voice it publicly provided they do it in a polite and mature manner.
    Equinox_Boss and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  14. Another idea, directly encourage the settling of the wild. Yes, my other two ideas could help do that, but I mean put it in the tutorial that the wild offers more freedom than the town, at least in building and socially. I would try to avoid the encouragement of "political camps' though, not because they are bad, but most people seem to not understand how much work they take, and the bad side effects they can bring. I would try to encourage the "gather your friends and make a small camp" type of outposts or the "COME ON, COME ALL AND BUILD TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT" type of outposts, such as the LLO.
  15. I feel that this whole discussion might have been caused in part by me, I might have opened a gateway that might not have needed to be opened yet. But at the same time, we're growing. We'll have differences in opinions, and youve already seen me make a really outspoken statement in my suggestion thread, so I'm just as guilty. Us blooming servers need to have these few rough days every once in a while, it makes sure everyone's still together and that we still have the same idea about where we are headed.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. I know this is a bit out of what the general discussion is about, and this will probably make me seem like a blathering idiot as I'm writing a forum post late at night, but there is three opinions of mine I would like to voice my opinion on.

    First, the new custom mob difficulty features that Aikar recently posted about are awesome. Exactly what I needed/wanted.

    Second, occasionally staff members have hinted at seriously hampering AFK farms. My impression of this is negative. My problem with this is twofold. One, I think the argument that AFKing causes people to be inactive in the community doesn't hold up. People can't play Minecraft all day. They have responsibilities. It seems to me that AFKing seems to be done mainly when the player is dealing with IRL responsibilities like a job or school. This gives them more time to connect with the community that would otherwise be spent resource gathering. Also, I believe it encourages people to go to the wild, which people seem to want.

    Third, I feel like we need more objective data. Threads by staff members asking a question and having a poll. No chat allowed.
  17. You miss the point entirely then. This isn't about subversive behavior or "wow, I hope a mod doesn't read this." It's about being able to have private conversations with your friends, comfortable in the knowledge that the information you're sharing isn't being misused.

    Let's say my grandmother just passed away. I invite a few of my close friends to /group and explain my loss. Suddenly, a Random Guy drops by and says "Wow, heard your grandmother died. That sux." I don't know Random Guy, I wasn't speaking to him, and he wasn't included in the conversation - there is no reason for him to be there and it becomes a very uncomfortable situation.

    All we're doing is pointing out that personal conversations should not be subject to the same level of scrutiny as public chat.
  18. agreed, hence the changes on square and policy that we all have agreed upon

    in context it was said with irony
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