Have an issue? Let's Talk :)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. This is getting really silly now I'm afraid .... Time to chill guys :)

  2. Now insulting staff is one thing but insulting people who clearly see that your wrong is a whole new level. Keep the comment on track with the OP. If you have an issues Contact staff in the correct manner.
  3. For the record, I suggested Joe, long before any "favoritism" would have developed. It was also at a time we were not looking for more staff. He was involved in the community and very helpful to new players.
  4. -MODERATED due to rudeness-
    Equinox_Boss and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  5. Actually at this point, I'm contributing to the comedy of the thread and everyone's responses. If none of this can be handled with common-sense, it's a free-for-all. so FREE FOR ALL!!
    Cchiarell6914 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. Actually the only reason I apply is not really because I want to but because if I were to be chosen I'd like to be WANTED for the position.
    And I disagree with the staff all the time; I would rather continue being myself than try to act all professional and a know it all just to get the position.
  7. Because flaming at staff members gets you really far. He should have taken that route.
    Cchiarell6914 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. What was he meant to do? Build on his Res, ignore everyone and apply for Moderator anyway?

    You seem to be belittling someone for giving a damn and making an effort. You lost any hint of respectability about your posts a page or so ago. I honestly suggest you stop for your own benefit.
  9. I was hoping I didn't have to go this far in this thread, and EVEYRONE here for the most part has been very respectful of your opinions, whether you agree or disagree with us. However, enigma went over the line by insulting others. I was able to handle it to me, but when you belittle the hard working staff we have...it's a bit over the line for me. He's no longer a problem.
  10. You have now directly insulted IcC, Krysyyjane, Joe, Jack, ISMOOCH, and every person who disagrees with you and supports what our staff team is doing. This is getting ridiculous and completely derailing a thread that up until that point was containing helpful, positive, and polite dialogue. I request, as an apparent "brown-noser" that you stop insulting our excellent staff team.

    EDIT: Well it would seem this is now a moot point :p
  11. Can we take this moment of quiet to trim the blatant off-topic posts that have built up please? I am aware of people who want to post but feel the thread has lost its direction.
  12. Alright then lets get back on track. Let's not start insulting other players I am really enjoying this thread.
  13. Yes, let the correctness of the thread continue.
    Equinox_Boss and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  14. Wow that turned out bad quickly... I want the smile :) in the title to mean something again!
    so... kittens?
  15. This is a bit of an old wound for me. I keep telling myself I don't care as much about it anymore, but here I am trying to make the point again.

    I said this series of exchanges last February: [urlhttp://empireminecraft.com/threads/possible-new-vault-goal.21073/page-4#post-385862[/url]

    and more recently here(Third paragraph): http://empireminecraft.com/threads/ammendment-to-rules-regarding-spamming-of-chat.35980/#post-686972

    I still think that Wild Protections and Dragon Eggs have nothing to do with one another other than that someone decided that they would, and now we have the addition of Dragon Stone Fragments in the way of those to whom Dragon Tombs is just a means to an end.

    When I asked in that thread why Wild Protections could not be implemented separately, I felt at the time that Aikar's response: "The plans for Wild claiming REQUIRES Dragon Eggs...", told me that he was probably so invested in the idea as he or whoever had conceived it, that trying to help him understand my side would just make him dig in his heels or make him think of me as an enemy, so I dropped it.

    I felt much more strongly about Wild Protections in the past than I do now, but I still feel it could have been done a long time ago using Town coding as a model without all the elaborate prerequisites attached.

    I expect to have fun with Dragon Tombs. Having a story, a series of quests, game defined goals - these are all things that are missing from Minecraft as opposed to other games that I've played, but I think that that is unrelated to the issue of Wild Protections.

    I've gotten to the point where I really don't care much about Wild Protections. I can't say I'll be able to last here as long as it will take to get a Dragon Egg and use it to protect even a little piece of Wild. I know I can build and if something happens I can rely on Staff to deal with it if they can, or I can just rebuild or walk away from a project with the experience.

    But that's me, and not everyone here can do that. Everyone here should have the ability to build in the Wild without the fear of their items being stolen or their work destroyed. For some people, Dragon Tombs is just a convoluted series of obstacles they have to traverse in order to feel secure building out there.

    Map Hide was given to all of us recently because it was decided that the protection it provides is something we should all have the right to without paying for it. I think Wild Protections is similar. It should not be limited only to those few who have managed to earn the Rupees to buy Wild Protections, were lucky enough to be around back when it was possible to get one of the original eggs, or ambitious enough to spend months grinding enraged mobs just to get a chance to win one.

    I'd also like to point out that with the lack of a formal Minecraft story, we have made our own stories and in our own ways. We build, we gather, we socialize. Some people like PvP, some get involved in the economy, some like Redstone, and some like building farms.

    I've seen Aikar use the term, "Small but vocal minority" more than once when speaking about farm builders and I recall that you have said similar things. I'm not so sure that we are such a small group. I suspect that we are also some of the more well spoken and knowledgeable players here, rather than simply loud.

    You don't have to enjoy building them yourself for it to be a legitimate activity. I enjoy playing here in all the different ways I can, but as a farm builder, I don't feel that I've gotten the same respect that I do in other areas of play.

    A specific problem for me was the loss of Fortress data on smp3, which happened in May last year. I don't think the right people understand what happened or care about what it meant to some of us. I and everyone else who built a Fortress farm there has had their work lost. I realize that it was only one server out of many, but they were our projects and it shouldn't have happened.

    I had hopes with this thread: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/feedback-wither-skeletons-spawning.33302/

    It was not a 1.7 issue for smp3 and other farms on other servers are working still, but I feel that those of us who chose to build these structures on smp3 are out of luck because we built farms and are considered a minority, involved in an activity that is not popular with the right people.
  16. theenigmaparadox wished for us to moderate more.

    He has been moderated.
  17. Would like to get this back on track...

    I haven't been apart of EMC as long as most of the people posting their opinions on this thread, I was completely oblivious to the time JustinGuy owned EMC and I never really knew him, so I don't have that to go off of.

    I have a PM from August 2012 talking about dragon tombs. August 2012. Now I know other things come up, we need to update for each minecraft update, coding is challenging and other things developers have encountered, but August 2012. I remember a thread saying Aikar was going to push out dragon tombs by the end of 2013. This has been addressed earlier in the thread but I would just like to second that and say features of EMC shouldn't even be released to the public before it's confirmed and ready to play.

    The survival update made some members cringe at the thought of the wild being too easy, as many of you know examples of these members who have heavily voiced their opinions, I was one who liked this update. Minecraft is an easy game, and I liked the factor that I could die at a rare change to one of these mobs. The problem was the large contrast between the two groups, some loved it and others detested it. Sad we couldn't compromise.

    I don't necessarily agree with all the new staff promotions, I don't know most of them which is the biggest problem I have. I would like moderators to be active more on the forums than in-game, but as well as well-known contributing community members, but that would make it a popularity contest and wouldn't give a fair chance to others. Congrats to them.

    Aikar, you are a great coder, you have lead EMC to what it is today. You bring new members into the community by the minute and we really appreciate your work, I don't always agree with the way you push these updates onto us - but in the end it works out. But please stop with the surprises, we don't want to be in the dark, we want to be informed. This may contradict what I said earlier about features being announced and never released, but there's a difference between asking the community for their opinion on a feature and saying something is coming soon but never comes out.
  18. He helped. He offered to help. He wasn't staff for the longest time while he was helping in every situation. He went OUT OF HIS WAY to help. But he didn't help only to become staff. He helped in order to better the community and he still tries at every turn to better the community. He is active, engaging, and an overall good guy. This is why he was chosen.
  19. I personally feel like spending too much time on mumble has caused me to have too high of opinions of people ...
    Do I dislike other player's actions - a lot of the times yes - I have very strong opinions (maybe too high hehe) ...
    Do I dislike other players - not really...

    Most of the things that clash with me are the people that are 'just like me' (funny right?)
    Hey jack i'll use you as an example ;)

    Me and him both do web based things ... he researches plugins ... I research plugins ... I know world edit ... he knows world edit ...(we even have the same birthday)

    He makes me mad a lot of the time because we clash in our opinions and are too much alike... but that doesn't mean I want him to quit playing or quit being staff ... If that was the case then I'd be making a fool of myself for not forgiving people.

    Spending too much time on mumble caused me to become self-centered and feel aristocratically.

    I haven't been on mumble, however, in a few days ... and I feel great ... I enjoy playing again (though I haven't talked to as many people of course - because i'm not on mumble) ... and i'm starting to get some happy emotions back.

    But what i'm trying to say is if you do too much of anything you'll start to lose yourself ... everything needs to be done in proportions ... If you keep doing things the same and staying the same, nothing will ever change.
  20. I understand the disappointment you have, when you have worked hard on something that you want ppl to be pleased with and instead it is ignored or not wanted. The mobs update I will be honest I don't like, but that does not mean your time is wasted as there is an audience for that kind of mob killing etc. For me it would have been better to have it isolated in its own extreme world separate from the main resource wild worlds.

    As I don't keep fully up to date with everything EMC any more since I backed away from the forums over situations like this thread, it is possible that you're already working on this.

    I would like to point out that I do see other other improvements also with advertising something I feel should have happened a long time ago and the lack of it I felt was ruining EMC.

    It is a shame to put so much work into a server and then find that its member's have got fed up and left because it took so long to code a new feature. This being said in resent times I see new ppl being asked to help out the coding and possibly marketing etc, again this is a new direction one which seems to be benefiting EMC .

    Long may it continue....

    As for other issues mentioned here, I see nothing here that has not already been mentioned / said and argued out in the past. Indeed me and ICC have knocked heads together on this in the past...

    Anyway I digress,

    Things do seem to be improving lets hope it continues long into the future..
    607, Equinox_Boss, kilmannan and 4 others like this.
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