Empire Minecraft 1.2 update status

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Mar 1, 2012.

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  1. As do I.
  2. Lol, people are so unpatient.
  3. None. You are wrong. 1.2.0 was release 1, followed quickly by 1.2.1. Soon after, 1.2.2 was released and then followed by 1.2.3 which squashed the most critical bugs dealing with the height crash. Also, don't back quote my posts and then rant on them. Your first post came well after my post you quoted.
    You are not contributing positively to this thread. I will continue to delete yours and any other post that does not add to the conversation.
    twinchicken86 likes this.
  4. Only major bug we are waiting on is Multiverse (multiple worlds) starts you at the Wilderness spawn every time you connect. Everything else so far seems ok, had to disable fire charge until the new API's to handle it are in place.

  5. ^^^^This is from Bukkit.org (I cut it down to a smaller size and HIGHLIGHTED THE IGNORED PARTS)
    So, now those who can not read or be bothered to go to the site themselves can sit it here!

    You must have taken one of the simplest courses available and/or had an extensive knowledge of C and or C++ or another OOP Language.. Either this is a lie or you are an extremely advanced AI Computer that mimics human beings accurately.
  6. So do we wait for the recommended build to be released, or are we just ironing out that one Multiverse bug now?
  7. EMC typically waits for Recommended Builds as they are extensively tested and supported by the Bukkit team, as they are the official releases.
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  8. Ok, thanks, sounds wise.
  9. I'd say to wait for the recommended build. I don't quite think I'd enjoy playing bug-detector for bukkit. Let people who enjoy that do it. ;)

    @JustinGuy: "R7" is he next update for 1.1 (which actually has been released today), not the version for 1.2...
  10. While we like to wait for RB's before, Bukkit has changed the way they do things a bit. What would have been an early RB they are calling Beta instead (new system). I am fine with the Beta, it has a few small bugs but nothing huge. The main thing we are waiting on is Multiverse and some stress / load testing I am doing.
  11. I agree, other people can find the bugs, its why we don't jump off the cliff at the first dev build, many servers do lol
  12. I was not 100% sure on their whole revamped release system... Their dl.bukkit.org layout is quite odd as I am not familiar with the old method either... :)
    Interesting information.
  13. That sounds like good news!
  14. I look every chance I have ( every minute :D )
  15. Impatient*** :p
  16. So since i have the new update, can i play or not?
    hashhog3000 and Ark_Warrior1 like this.
  17. No. Never. We are 1.1 permanently. [/sarcasm]
    Please, read the post instead of just skipping to the end and asking the question which is answered already.. It is in the OP.
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  18. oh what the **** {beta has no blocking bugs} come on everything is got to die because i can't log in my PS3 wwwoooooooowwwwww nothing to do.....
  19. I cleaned up your language, please watch it in the future.
    607 likes this.
  20. how close are we to a 1.2 server. does almost done mean almost done?
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