Empire Minecraft 1.2 update status

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Mar 1, 2012.

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  1. We are in the final testing stages now. Currently the plan is to start upgrading the servers early tomorrow morning (like 5:00am ET), unless any major bugs are found. Thanks everyone!
    margaritte likes this.
  2. sorry i was mad because no PS3 or minecraft server too:(
  3. Got a question here: Which plugin do you use to separate our inventories? Just curious.
  4. Can't wait! Thanks for keeping us updated!
    bullbog likes this.
  5. So based off what you have seen in the builds and testing, do u think we are going to need a community vote for wild reset?
  6. i hope thats gonna be a little later because iam on school then :p
  7. What do you mean separate our inventories?
  8. DERP! I was thinking of a different server! Cause the 2nd main server I go to has different worlds and they seperate survival from creative. :p Lol sorry
  9. But i have the wide roads on all sides on
    My residence 4373 how will I make a bridge? Oh well :( I make do without
  10. I want this brought to the attention of Justin again.. :) I am curious as well.
    I hijacked his "quote" to get him to see it. ;)
  11. Hah, forgive my English, as I am a foreigner :p
  12. Ill let you off then ;)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  13. We will be doing a community vote. :)
  14. We should reset The End as well... Yes? But its up to you guys if you don't want the ender dragon there.
  15. I vote smp1 NO, smp2 NO, smp3 NO, smp4 NO, smp5 MEH who cares? smp6 MEH who cares? Utopia.. N/A I don't use it, too easy.. I like the upcoming Dystopia idea better, I will be loving it.

    I changed my opinion after giving it much thought. It would be unfair to penalize those who have been here with us so long. They have done many great things in the wild and it would be unfair to take it away in the blink of an eye.

    We will inevitably have smp7+ and Dystopia, as well smp5 and smp6 could easily reset the seed without causing a major amount of pain as they have not been here long enough to establish enormous cities on par with Supporter City which I believe is now called just The City... :)
    RexBulby likes this.
  16. dystopia??? an harcore server or something
  17. http://empireminecraft.com/threads/dystopia.1645/

    It was mentioned a while back when we launched smp6 about 2 weeks after smp5 was set loose upon the masses. ;)
  18. I have a large well thought out post about a vote on reseting that I will post once the servers are upgraded. But no a reset will not be a technical requirement.
  19. with out the reset. can we find jungles??
  20. Yes if you explore out further than anyone has before, and it is an area that would have a new jungle.
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