opinions you think others might not share

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by bitemenow15, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Help!
    I'm being crushed by a wall of text!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.

  2. Thank you Pandas for this Gif.....i stole it from your post last night.
  3. She also used it for: "The greatest thing ever" thread XD
    Equinox_Boss and QuilliamPenn like this.
  4. That's cool, but these guys are clingy. Most definitely clingy. You aren't, but they are definitely clingy.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. I can't be the only one who thought this.
  6. A proper Creation/Evolution debate should be purposed to give more information about the side you defend to your opponent. When people argue a point they should present more information to the opponent and then let the opponent create or revise their own opinion. What happens instead is people saying "NANANNA BOO BOO I CAN'T HEAR YOU I'M RIGHT YOUR WRONG" on both sides instead of giving forth ANY form of legitimate information on their subject. Like people who automatically reject any proven fact, and reject other religions. Even people who just say that other peoples Gods and ways of life are false (Getting quotes soon). I mean, someone blatantly telling people their way of life is false is just sad. You can personally not believe in a God and say it in a non-offensive way and that is how it should be done. It's the people who make assertions and stubborn, hateful comments who ruin the fun of debates.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. That was talking about the ELITE race in Halo!
    That had NOTHING to do with religon!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. Well me-oh-my. On seeing that I made an assumption (always bad) given what I know of most of your arguments, sincere apology and I'll change it now (And replace it with a more accurate quote from this other site)
    Fixed (Sorry again btw)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. This will come in handy sometime in the future.
  10. Thank you :)

    Jacob, be a Christian, and don't provoke an arguement.
    Equinox_Boss and moyaboya like this.
  11. Oh, this is a fun thread! I've agreed with almost everything here, and I'm happy to see things from the more intelligent and logical side of humanity. Here are mine:

    1. Affirmative Action is crap. I'm not blasting Equal Opportunity here, but rather those programs/companies/schools/etc. who will essentially give minorities a few extra 'points' in order to hire more. That is, using SAT scores as an example, given the choice between a white male with a 1400 and a black male with a 1350 with all other factors equal (economists say ceteris paribus), a school chooses the black male. One might say this promotes diversity; I believe that giving minorities extra points just because of being minorities screams that they can't match white people on their own merit. It is inherent racism masked by idiotic politicians touting it as a humanitarian act.

    2. The world of dating nowadays can take a straight trip into the fires of Hell. Women suck. Men suck. Everything sucks in the dating world. And this "friend zone" stuff? Ladies--and the same goes for men, too--if all your relationships have been crap, you've got a friend who is not hideously ugly, he's a wonderful guy and a great friend, treats you well, is a good listener, and he asks you if you want to try taking your relationship to the 'next level'... what is the problem? Awkwardness? The one asking doesn't seem to be worried about it. Instead, what happens all too often is the woman rejects the offer, possibly sending even the original friendship into the Halls of the Dead (and yes, yes, I know from experience -.- ).

    Also with regard to dating and relationships... the bedroom is not everything. There does not have to be "something wrong" with a person if he or she is still a virgin at 20, 30, 40, or a natural death after a long life. Too many people put the instant/short-term pleasure ahead of emotional intimacy and true happiness. Too many people are superficial to the point of insanity: men who look for the best-proportioned women, or "blonde bombshells"; women who will not date a man who is 20 pounds overweight. Men who will dump their girlfriends because they won't sleep with them; women who will only stay with someone as long as s/he is buying them gifts.

    I've got some others; however, I think I've pushed the envelope even with these, and hopefully nothing I've said here is too risque. As such, I will leave the others for an 18- or 21-plus environment.

  12. Rehabilitation is great if it works. But there are some people we just cant fix. Those are the ones who need to stay in prison forever. Thats why i believe that punishments should be determined based on each case uniquely. Get the ones who can be helped on the right track to turning their life around, and those who we cant help, lock them up. We should only do something if the benefit is worth the cost. If the benefit of locking someone up is greater than the benefit of rehabilitating them (especially if we are very unsure about if we even can rehabilitate them), then lock them up.

    Watch from about 4:44 to 7:20. That is someone who we just cant fix. That person needs to be kept locked up, because they are a threat to society.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. Well, I admit perhaps 'corralled' was a wrong word choice, the point I was trying to make was that Christianity should not be a public school matter, but a matter for clubs.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. YES. Dating =/= Horizontal Hula like most people seem to think nowadays.
  15. Ok, I'll post this, then I'm gonna unwatchable this thread.
    People say religion causes problems.
    What if there wasn't a religion.
    No rules to live by.
    None at all.
    The world would be insane.
    Everyone hurting everyone, everyone stealing everything.
    Religion places rules down for different people that prevents things like the from happening.
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and jtc0999 like this.
  16. Me in 40 years. "Back in my day we didn't do all this Horizontal Hula all over the place."
  17. I'm just going to come in here and say by that logic, all atheists are immoral pricks. I am quite sure they are not.
    EDIT: Forgot my words. Silly me.
    Equinox_Boss, 72Volt and HylianNinja like this.
  18. *Waits for all atheists to start getting angry with sparer*
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. I said "Atheists are good people". I was arguing about how religion was apparently the controlling factor for morals.
  20. A lot of wars were because of religion :confused:
    Equinox_Boss, 607, moyaboya and 2 others like this.