The Random/Not-so-random Post Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 607, Oct 19, 2014.


Which of these things do you know?

The cake is a lie. 120 vote(s) 80.5%
I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee. 88 vote(s) 59.1%
Darude - Sandstorm 88 vote(s) 59.1%
How has this video 301 views, if there are only 7 people on the earth? :o (Or something alike) 79 vote(s) 53.0%
#ShadyShannon 34 vote(s) 22.8%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. This is one of the ugliest slides I've ever seen, and my lecturer decide to reuse it in his lecture. :rolleyes:

    MoreMoople likes this.
  2. Sethbling's been back into Minecraft; if you haven't seen, this is a very engaging video that might be a good start. :)
  3. I really enjoyed this video. :D

  4. I wanted to get YouTube Premium, because for the last year or two there have been a lot more ads, and it's not always possible to skip them after 5 seconds. This sometimes annoys me. However, then I realised that if I were to get YouTube Premium, I wouldn't be able to see the ads at all. There does not seem to be an option to turn ads on again, or, which would be my preferred option, to always play ads but be always able to skip them, without having to wait. This would be more complex to code, of course. I wonder if there are many people that are sometimes inconvenienced by ads on YouTube but think it too much of a sacrifice to turn off ads altogether? I don't watch tv, so YouTube is one of the only places where I get to see video ads.
  5. I've never thought this might be a possibility. Personally, I am so vehemently opposed to ads, that I will do anything to stop them being shown at all. I have YouTube Premium (student price), plus two or three different layers of adblockers installed on my system.
  6. Get GrayJay, it's free and open source. You get to use it via an open source API. You get free video downloads, the ability to import your subscriptions and such, as well as 4K playback as well as background operations. What's better? No ads! Available for Android and just released December 24th, 2024... a GrayJay desktop client!

    We can thank Louis Rossmann for this! ❤️❤️❤️
  7. Ads can be interesting or entertaining, though. Also, one would think that they can be useful in directing you towards services to try or things to buy, as that seems to be the idea behind advertising? That rarely happens to me, though. My reason is that I wouldn't want to miss out on video ads, as they are a fun medium.
  8. The hallway leading to my school's cafeteria has a water bottle refill station, which I use multiple times a day.

    I happened to capture a picture of it at 17966 bottles saved today.

    Why is this number significant, you may ask? Well, 17966 is the number of my very first EMC residence that I got more than seven and a half years ago. I still have this exact residence today (under an alt). :D

    607 and MoreMoople like this.
  9. 17966 also happens to be a zip code in the city of Ravine, Pennsylvania. Famous for its roller coasters, such as the Ravine Flier and Ravine Flier II
  10. That's cool! Had you been waiting for it to appear (or to miss it), or just happen to notice it? ;)
    triphora likes this.
  11. I thought of the possibility a while ago, when it had rolled over to 17k (or 17123 or whatever it may have been when I first saw it with those first two digits), but I didn't think I would get to see it. I went to fill up my water bottle when it was at 17965 and saw the opportunity :D