[CONTEST] EMC Mansion - Room Decorating Contest 2024

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by MoreMoople, May 9, 2024.

  1. I had specified in an earlier post to let me know if anybody wanted the floor changed. I'm not giving out permissions for it, but happy to quickly switch out the blocks as requested. :)
    We3_MPO and Spyrovsgnorg like this.
  2. Wait, how were you able to break Raaynn's blocks?
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  3. if you need your floor changed, ask moops to change it for you
  4. not just there is somting called player side and server side
    on the server side i dit notting cliënt side i dit break his blocks and becouse i was lagging a lot with conection to the server my cliënt got like updated after 5 seconds anoug time to break the redconcrete and look troug it
  5. Help please - I accidentally locked myself out :rofl: :lmao: I put a pressure plate beside the door and close it and now I can't get back in...
    MoreMoople likes this.
  6. I put a parrot in my room that I would like to eggify but I don't have permissions to do that. Could you please help with that? It's the only Lovey Dovey in the room. The other parrots can stay.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  7. The Lovey Dovey should be in your inventory now. :)
    farmerguyson likes this.
  8. Thank you, Lovey is safe in my inv. 🙂
    KatydidBuild and MoreMoople like this.
  9. I'm putting the finishing touches on my room. But I've rather 'cleverly' (through pressure plate mishaps) managed to make the door closed instead of open.

    MoreMoople, BlockHead_56 and Raaynn like this.
  10. It's a feature, not a bug?
    FakeIdea and LindenNZ like this.
  11. Marty and I just finished our build. :) It's in room 11 (immediate right from res spawn). I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's builds! :):):)

    Deadline: July 21st, 2024 at 11:59 PM EMC time
    Envine, MoreMoople and farmerguyson like this.
  12. RL decided to rear its ugly head so my build isn't really anything. Kinda annoyed about it but that is how RL can be sometimes. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else did though.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  13. Hey all! I don't have access to my laptop for the next couple of days, so I will extend the contest until July 24th (Wednesday) at 11:59PM. Please enjoy the extra bit of building time :)
  14. When you're back on could you please open my closed door? Even though it's definitely a feature and not a bug , it would be good for players to be able to enter :D
    KatydidBuild, MoreMoople and ultipig like this.
  15. Ah cool, mi e is all ready I guess, just need ti remove my "anti-spyware" from the entryway. :D

    Looking forward to seeing everyone's rooms \o/
  16. worked rilly well lol alrady horsed my way in lol
    MoreMoople and ultipig like this.
  17. Mine is all done. But I also installed anti-spy door blocks Moople can take out later.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  18. Mine is ready as well. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has built!
    MoreMoople and KatydidBuild like this.
  19. Mine and Blockhead's room is ready. Just have to remove the door blockade blocks.
    KatydidBuild and MoreMoople like this.
  20. Imagine blocking the doors