i've prepare myself to prevent insane when playing maze. What i thinking when in maze is how to pass it as fast as possible. So i'll make a try
The final maze is currently being worked on. In my opinion, this will be both the easiest and most difficult maze. This is the blueprint for said maze.Do you intend on completing it in its entirety?
If it's as complex and unique an experience as I expect, I believe I will put in the time to complete it. Granted it may not be all in the same session, but I certainly plan on doing it in its entirety. I am steadily looking forward to its release. Can't wait to roll out the music and get lost in a maze... hahaha My hope is that there will be other crazy people in there, when I go so, I feel right at home!
These mazes were really fun to come up with. With help with the_mancub, we constructed these mazes decently fast. The only time sink was thinking up the ideas. We worked hard to make each maze as unique as possible. I hope people appreciate how much effort, and smooth stone, went into this.
I do want to have a grand opening. I wanted to capture some of BeLugh and DreamyTJE's Labyrinth. Anybody remember that? That was a blast. https://empireminecraft.com/threads/emc-maze-event.7443/ We settled on our magic number of mazes for now, but I don't want to stop. I'd like to preferably add to this as much as I can. Perhaps once the Y-level gets an increase I will add to it. I keep zooming out and looking at the scale of these mazes thinking it'll take somebody hours to do. But maybe under 30 minutes if they are clever enough. One of the mazes takes a minor dip into the 3rd dimension as far as its layout goes and it would have been near impossible if I didn't change something.
I did not know about that project, thanks for sharing! It is so clearly a product of its time, I love it. This part is especially fun to read. Also, I was surprised to see that ISMOOCH actually uploaded something recently. He was in a call and didn't record the others' voices, though.
You may follow the progress of the mazes over at https://empireminecraft.com/threads/coming-soon-event-the-smooth-stone-trials.85383/.