Happy 10th Birthday EMC!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by ElfinPineapple, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. EMC is ten; I've been here for five years. That time really does fly when you are having fun. By my count, there are only five servers older than our beloved EMC.

    Here's to another ten and beyond!
  2. Happy 10th Birthday EMC :)
  3. What, really? Wow.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  4. Oooh purple theme
    Nickblockmaster and luckycordel like this.
  5. Happy 10th! Looking forward to either Saturday or Sunday at 2pm EMC time. Yay!!! \0/
  6. Happy b day emc!
    luckycordel likes this.
  7. Been here 4 years and wow its flown by seeing how emc has changed and kept the same
  8. Happy Birthday EMC!
    luckycordel likes this.
  9. Guess I'll be rising from the dead for the big event this weekend. Happy 10th!
    NuclearBobomb and luckycordel like this.
  10. The big event will be TOMORROW, Saturday at 2 pm. :D
  11. Thanks for the advanced notice. See y'all there!
  12. 2pm nice! I don't work then so I will be in attendance. Is there a specific SMP/location for the party?
  13. Utopia town. Event res will be announced before the start.
    SkeleTin007, Decay_ed and UltiPig like this.
  14. is the birthday Drop starting at 2pm or is it other events starting at 2pm?
  15. The Birthday one I believe.
  16. I would guess, based on previous years, that the drop party is the last event. So it would start with other activities.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  17. As everyone else is saying - gratz on mod, chicken. :D
    JesusPower2 and Sefl like this.
  18. I thought he got diamond supporter?
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  19. The event was fun. Thanks a lot. :D

  20. I see myself! I see myself!
    SkeleTin007 and UltiPig like this.