How well known is the user above you? [Forum Game]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Ritunn, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. 6/10 I feel like everyone knows your name but I don't know much about you
  2. 9/10

    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  3. 10/10 Jewel The King of EMC
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  4. 3/10
    I see you in-game all the time, not very much on the forums, never really talked to you.
    luckycordel likes this.
  5. 5/10
    I see you in both game and forums but haven't chatted much.
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  6. I guess we are starting over? Because I sure don't remember who I've done already. :p I'm not sure if this is the way to bring things back, honestly. But let's not discuss that here: I might create a Community Discussion thread about it some day. :)

    luckycordel: 7.3/10. We've talked a lot on the forum, maybe a few times in-game too. We get along well, but we haven't interacted a lot in private. (honestly, the same answer might apply to quite a lot of EMC members :p)
    luckycordel likes this.
  7. Thanks for that Jewel, I had forgotten about this thread since it went dead last September.
  8. i decided to bring this one back instead of starting a new one, figured that even if you have had the same person before, enough time had passed that you might know more about them etc

    for joy, 7/10

    seen you around a lot but i don't actually know a ton about you now that i think about it
    Joy_the_Miner and 607 like this.
  9. 10/10 Hello Jewel_King
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.
  10. 5/10 Seen ya around on forums, haven't talked much though :p
  11. Dufne:
    Aaah, I met you and we had a great time and we hugged and it was amazing <3
    Um, grade though. :p 8.8 I guess, we talked a good bit in-game and on the forum and of course we've met, so it's very high, but of course there are people I know better—even on EMC. And we have a great mutual friend! :D
    (sorry for the incoherent post, I wasn't planning to be on EMC now but I saw this and wanted to comment before someone else did :p)
    TomvanWijnen, Dufne and wafflecoffee like this.
  12. 10/10!

    don't think this needs much explaining ;)
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.
  13. Mr. Promo King

    100/100 would rate again.
  14. I think it does, because as I hardly know you, it is surprising to see you reckon you know me so well. :p
    But I've noticed my scale is a lot more moderate than most people's. ;)

    Cyberazaz101: 6.8/10. I feel like I've engaged with you frequently in the past, but I don't actually recall anything about who you are. :p I probably got to know you when I played in-game. You are an old member, after all. :)
  15. i tend to give a number based on someones name recognition, among forums users there's not many people who's names are more recognized then yours :)
    607 likes this.
  16. 7/10 ---> 607

    Could be higher but 99% of my interaction with you is forum based and I feel a 10/10 needs to be both forum/in-game based interaction.
    607 likes this.
  17. Ah, I see! It would be rather uninteresting if I did that, as I have spent so much time on the forum that any other person who has been fairly active between 2013 and 2020 would be rated 10/10 by me. ;) (assuming I check namemc in case of name changes)

    That makes sense! Also, I don't think we've talked in pms here, have we? Maybe about forum games, but not chatting about personal interests. :p
    To get a full 10/10 score on my scale, we'd probably have to be married. ;) (in real life, not on smp8 :rolleyes:)

    The next person should do Tower, as he ninja'd me and he did me already. :p
    Dufne, wafflecoffee and AncientTower like this.
  18. 9/10 Hello 607! We've talked a lot on forums, but I give you a 9 as I rarely see you in game. Love the Club Points!
  19. There's been a lot of new faces since I've started playing more regularly again, but you are definitely someone I remember from before. I haven't seen you in-game a ton, but I have seen you a lot on the forums, so 7/10.
    607 likes this.
  20. 3/10
    I've seen you on the forums some, not ingame though
    Ritunn likes this.