SMP8, you worry me.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kephras, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. We know, we know, Romeo. But smp8 is still the guardian of love because /town loves flirting with us. LOL.
    ~ Aoi_Kaigara
    P.S. Marriage Squid told me to relay the message.
  2. :rofl: :lmao:
    Oh geez, who is kendra and what did h/she do??? And how long did the spam continue? That's so funny :rofl: :lmao:
    Tuqueque likes this.
  3. And what in the world did Truman wrong chat to set this off? :confused: ;)
  4. I genuinely have no idea, I was afk, came back, and saw like 4 kendras in the chat
    Well, you can see for yourself where it went from there
  5. It's Kendras, all the way down.
    Tuqueque, __Devil_, khixan and 2 others like this.
  6. The beauty of global chat.
  7. How... amazingly and delightfully strange.
  8. I have thousands of screenshots like this... it would take forever to show them all...

    Tuqueque, FadedMartian, 607 and 4 others like this.
  9. Town chat, the nostalgia!!! And players who have quit or gone extremely inactive!!! *Yells to the side* Boi, you better put those onions away, those *cough* onions *cough* are gonna make me cryyyyyy! Omg, people were never themselves on smp8, I swear.
    Tuqueque and UltiPig like this.
  10. Ohh man... Disney_Fan_Girl_ is a name I haven't heard in a while... She authored the SMP8 book series, and also was my neighbour :/
    Tuqueque, 607, __Devil_ and 2 others like this.
  11. Book series? Link?
    Tuqueque likes this.
  12. Book n quill. I know Raaynn has the whole series, maybe you can ask him to put it on display at his res :)
    Tuqueque, 607 and UltiPig like this.
  13. thanks wafee!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  14. It's not nice to cake-shame...
  15. My 10,000+ screenshots will keep this thread alive forever. :D





  16. RIP pepper :oops: Anyone know whatever happened to them?

    Also... 10,000!?