SMP8, you worry me.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kephras, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. That was an honest mistake I swear...ugh...Sefl
  2. And this is our amazing player of the month
    Tuqueque and NuclearBobomb like this.
  3. First off, it's our shared alt, second off, I wouldn't have named it if it wasn't for sefl giving me those heads :p
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. And I earned MOTM for meeting the standards of being nice and kind and etc.
    Tuqueque and D_ceased like this.
  5. Be quiet you wanted to name it that you loved it ever since you put on that fluttershy skin one time
  6. o lord
    i am an agnostic
    but o lord
    Tuqueque likes this.
  7. That was because of the bet...*sigh*
    I don't even know how we are still friends XD
  8. Is there a better, more efficient iron farm than the ones at the wild utilities? I was there for ~ 45 min and only got 4 or 5 stacks. I don't know much about them but maybe this is normal?
  9. h

    please don't lickthesofa
  10. ... when I'm not on: smp8 is *very* weird...
    When I'm on: very barely weird...
    I leave and it goes nuts again....

    .... *sigh* I'll get this one day. xD

    Edit: actually, Faded last night may count...
  11. I need to hang out on smp8 more it seems...

    But little old smp4 will always be my home- we're the nice, quiet server. You almost never see a staff on smp4- no need- except for jaqque, and he lives there anyways so...
    Tuqueque, jaqque, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  12. Staff should have replied
    i am op
    give me planet minecraft
    Tuqueque, Rhycicles, Ariesis and 11 others like this.
  13. .... what makes people think that being admin on a website just = admin on servers? lol... I mean even the ones who really aren't admins....
    Tuqueque, D_ceased and CoffeeAffinity like this.
  14. I like that one little "hello can i apply for staff" that was snuck in there.
  15. This is the only correct response. (Probably followed by a /mute for spamming)
  16. Context, agent?
    Tuqueque and Elaeriic like this.