[Business] KlonedInc Museum & Public Utilities.

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by ThaKloned, Dec 4, 2018.

  1. Location: 5774 (Utopia)
    Owner & Operator: ThaKloned
    Officially Opened: November 25, 2024.

    Museum Information
    From my first few weeks on EMC, when I was introduced to 'promo' items, I was instantly intrigued by these 'special items'. My first ever promo was a Rudolph egg that I won playing FireFloor. From that point on I was on a mission to obtain as many as I could. It took a few years but I was finally able to collect every item from the Promotional Items list including most of their variations.

    Then I heard about this museum on smp8 at 16500, owned by Hashhog. I was amazed at not only the building but the items that were inside. I knew that I needed something similar of my own. It took many years for this day to come but it was all worth it. I debated over many designs. I'm not the best at design so I looked on the internet for some ideas and was able to find one that I could play around with.

    For the item displays, I decided to go with shulker boxes with preview signs. This way you can see the actual items and it's info. There are also lecturns in front of each item with a book giving info about each item. Along with Promotional Items, I also have on display Special Event Items, Special Mob Drops, Tutorial Starter Items as well as a Miscellaneous section for Vouchers, Token Exchange items, etc.

    Come check it out! Visit /v 5774 on Utopia and when you head in, in the centre you will find some teleports to different section.

    Dec. 4, 2018 - Grand Opening!
    Dec. 5, 2018 - Added Teleport buttons for quick return to main hub.
    Dec. 10, 2018 - Added Max Res Voucher to Misc. Items section.
    Dec. 14, 2018 - Added Fishbowl to Special Event Items section.
    Dec. 21, 2018 - Added various items to Promo. Items, Special Event Items & Mob Drop Items sections.
    Nov. 27, 2019 - Museum was closed and moved to 5774.
    Aug. 2024 - Working on finishing touches for re-opening.
    Nov. 25, 2024 - Museum re-opened!
    Tuqueque, liamwill, weeh and 5 others like this.

  2. Since August 2017 this res has been open to the public to use all of the Utilities. It's been running for over a year now and it's gotten bigger and better. I want to thank everyone that came by or suggested additions, etc. From the first opening until now there have been many improvements and additions. I am always trying to add more. Any suggestions, let me know!

    Trading Centre
    The Trading Centre is a great place to visit if you are looking to trade items for emeralds. There are LOTS of melons, pumpkins and sugar cane to purchase if you do not have any OR you can bring your own. The melon and pumpkin chests are supplied by 12 large towers (6 for each) and the sugar cane is supplied by a large underground farm. When originally built, the towers we're all built to build limit! (Big thanks to EvilBlo for helping build the towers.)

    • Melon slices: 288 Melon Slices for 1r. (Makes 32 Melon Blocks)
    • Pumpkins: 64 Pumpkins for 1r.
    • Sugar Cane: 192 Sugar Cane for 1r.
    • Emeralds: Buy: 1 for 8r (or 8 for 64r) / Sell: 1 for 5r (or 8 for 40r).
    The available villagers to trade with include:
    8 Farmer Villagers: Trading for pumpkin, melons, carrots, potatoes, wheat and beetroot as well as other items.
    4 Librarian: Trading 24-26 paper per emerald as well as great glass and lantern trades!

    I will look to add some other villagers in the future.

    Enchanted Books
    If you are looking for enchanted books, you will love this area. This was a fun project and I'm happy to share it will everyone! All villagers here offer their Max level book for the lowest possible emerald cost (with a few exceptions, close to lowest cost).

    Available villager trades include (with emerald cost + 1 book):
    • 5 Emeralds: Aqua Affinity, Channeling, Flame, Infinity, Multishot and Silk Touch.
    • 8 Emeralds: Fire Aspect II, Knockback II and Punch II.
    • 10 Emeralds: Curse of Binding, Curse of Vanishing and Mending.
    • 11 Emeralds: Depth Strider III, Fortune III, Looting III, Luck of the Sea III, Lure III, Respiration III, Sweeping Edge III, Thorns III, Unbreaking III.
    • 14 Emeralds: Blast Protection IV, Feather Falling IV, Fire Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV and Protection IV.
    • 16 Emeralds: Frost Walker II.
    • 17 Emeralds: Bane of Arthropods V, Efficiency V, Power V, Sharpness V and Smite V.
    • Explorer Maps: Ocean Monument - 47 Emeralds & Woodland Mansion - 51 Emeralds.
    These are the ones that are not quite at their lowest:
    • Bane Arthropods V: Current cost: 20 emeralds. (Lowest is 17)
    • Luck of the Sea III: Current cost: 12 emeralds. (Lowest is 11)
    • Impaling V: Current cost: 23 emeralds. (Lowest is 17)
    • Loyalty III: Current cost: 12 emeralds. (Lowest is 11)
    • Piercing IV: Current cost: 16 emeralds. (Lowest is 14)
    • Quick Charge III: Current cost: 12 emeralds. (Lowest is 11)
    • Riptide III: Current cost: 12 emeralds. (Lowest is 11)
    Once I am able to spawn these villagers with their lowest emerald cost, they will be replaced.

    A few items can also be bought here:
    • Emeralds: Purchase for 8r each.
    • Books: Purchase for 10r each. (need cost)
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    liamwill likes this.
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    liamwill likes this.
  7. A+ Museum, Lots of Rare Items to See on display,

    I Highly Recommend Event items And Misc Floors Especialy

    My One Recommendation is Teleports Back to the Lobby, i had a Difficult time getting back there
    ThaKloned likes this.
  8. Ah that's a good idea. Easy to get lost when it's a large build :p
  9. Added some teleport buttons from each area back to the main lobby:

    Also just wanted to mention some things about the Auction Pickup/Drop Off area. You will see some quartz blocks around. These area's are all separate subzones. Inside these area's you can place shulker boxes down if needed and they can be mined again when done. No special flags needed and the surrounding around cannot be damaged!
    Eviltoade likes this.
  10. Awesome! New museum to visit.. love to tour the museums so looking forward to this.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  11. I restocked the Duration 3 fireworks. 5 DCs in stock now :D

    Also added a small promo shop which can be accessed in the main shop. I tried to group most of them into categories. The groups are 10k Items, 18k, 25k, 30k, 40k and 50k items. There are some individual sell signs for things like Cupid Arrows, Cooked Turkey etc. There is also a chest in the middle of other items. Just PM if interested in any of those.
  12. Added a new item to Museum:

    top_benny likes this.
  13. New item added:
    top_benny likes this.
  14. Added 2 new items to the shop:
  15. Updated the museum with the addition of the following items:
    • 2018 Empire Firework (New Year's) Promotional Items section
    • Witch's Gem (Level 3) Mob Drops section
    • 2019 Aikar & Krysyy Heads Special Event Items section
    • Aikar's Hot Hat Special Event Items section
    Thanks :)
  16. New Item added:
    Raaynn likes this.
  17. Just an update. It seems the sell flag may have been off this whole time :confused: (Just hearing about it now lol)

    If you tried to sell anything to my shop, try again now and let me know if it's working. I am buying the following items:
    • Stable Voucher: 1 for 3,500r.
    • Vault Voucher: 1 for 5,000r.
    • Totem of Undying: 1 for 1,500r.
    • Elytra (No enchantments): 1 for 9,000r.
    • Shulker Shell: 1 for 1,500r.
    Thanks :)
    Raaynn likes this.
  18. Fixed up the trade area. Some people had issues with their items getting stuck behind the villagers and being unable to retreive them. I've switched out all the blocks for glass panes so there should be no issue now. I left in the crafting tables though.

    Any other issues, let me know :)
  19. Added a new sell sign to the shop. I am now buying gunpowder. There are 5 DCs to fill up, so have at it :p

    The sell sign is just to the left of the entrance on the wall.

    Also some big changes to the museum. All the items have been removed and will be moved to a new res across from the main Public Utilities res. Working on that now in single player. Shop has been moved back to it's original spot and trying to get villagers moved as well.

    Speaking of villagers, this area will likely be closed (hopefully not perminately) once we update versions. Since the new updates break villagers, we'll just have to wait and see what EMC does. If they break then the entire process of getting low trade villagers would have to be redone. This could take awhile. So if you need to stock up now, go for it.

    Also just a notice about the flower machines. It's best to only put a stack or 2 of bonemeal inside at a time. It seems if you fill it up, it's breaking the machine. I'm looking into possible fixes, so in the meantime just keep a stack or 2 and you should be fine.

    As always, any issues, questions, suggestions, etc. let me know :)
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  20. Another note:

    Villager trading area is temporarily closed. I've sold my spawn res to move everything near the Utilities res. So I just need to build out the new villager housing and it will be active again.

    So from now on, just go to /v 5775 for everything and teleports will be added when things get finished.

    Thanks :)