The Survival Update - v2 - 6/30/18

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. Question regarding fragile items.... I had a fragile elytra in my inventory and I died, which seemed to erase it from ever existing. So, if you have some fragile armor or an elytra in your inventory but not on your when you die, does it disappear then, too?
  2. Correct - when testing I found out it just has to be anywhere in your inventory
  3. So the fragile attribute is *basically* curse of vanishing?
  4. I'm confused with the spawning of enraged monsters. Yesterday I logged on for the first time in like 5 days and I encountered about 5 or 6 enraged mobs in one night span and today I've been online for 2 hours and have found no enraged. Do they randomly spawn or is there a pattern?
    607 likes this.
  5. I'm not sure, but perhaps those 5 or 6 were spawned by other people?
    JParsonsX and ThaKloned like this.
  6. Code:
        public boolean canSpawn(Location loc, MobSpawnAttemptContext context) {
            Environment env = loc.getWorld().getEnvironment();
            return env == Environment.NETHER || (env == Environment.NORMAL && Util.isAboveGround(loc)
                && Monster.class.isAssignableFrom(context.replacingType.getEntityClass())
                && BlockUtil.isAreaAir(loc.clone().add(0, 4, 0), 3)
    It does check, but looks 4 blocks up for the area. Maybe that needs to be refined some.
    Can you screenshot one if you find it stuck?
    ShelLuser, ThaKloned and FadedMartian like this.
  7. Possibly but I don't know lol.
  8. there is a personal respawn timer shared across all smp's, as well as a world respawn timer per mob type.

    If more players are in the survival worlds, it's less likely you'll be the one that gets the spawn.
  9. Just out of curiosity, does the world reapawn timer apply to endermites and silverfish which players have to “help” spawn with pearls or mining?
  10. yes
  11. Why do enraged ghasts despawn so quickly? I was fighting one with a punch bow and he flew out of sight and i ran over and up a hill to get closer (so he would show back up and it would be easier to hit him) and he was gone. Flew up with an elytra to where I saw him last and he wasn't there.
  12. Maybe I missed something but I believe before the update there used to be a 15 second “grace period” after you died and now that doesn’t seem to be the case. I remember dying after fighting the eyender and he just kept basically spawn killing me until he warped to safety. Is this a bug or is it intended?
    LordNutmeg_II and FadedMartian like this.
  13. This exact same thing happened to me. It does seem like a bug.
    purplebook163 and JParsonsX like this.
  14. It looks like that code checks 4 blocks up, but not the 4x4x4 space that ghasts need to not suffocate.
  15. What's up with the ghasts in the overworld? I heard one, I traced one and it shot fireballs at me yet was invisible. Then it also immediately vanished. The heck?

    I have very mixed feelings with this update. I get it: the developers want to add more challenge to the game. Well, basically: they want to add more stuff to do to the game to keep players entertained. I get it, and I support that. But I also get the strong impression that they don't want to recognize the physical limitations in the game mechanics either.

    Like it or not: the best protection a player can get is god armor. In the game of EMC we can raise the ante a little bit because there's also the 100k armor but I am ignoring that in my post here because there's only a limited supply. I suppose the next best thing could be the Marlix armor but I'd have to ask someone who owns a full set.

    My point though: even with full armor some custom mobs can still kill you with 2 - 3 hits. That's just pathetic in my opinion. Please hear me out: I get it... The intent was never for a single player to fight these mobs, you should get friends and if you don't you're in for some horrible experience.

    So why allow single players to attack those mobs "just like that" in the first place? Especially considering the highly unfair stakes you put us up against? The server pretty much protects us from everything else...

    Like it or not but all regular mobs in Minecraft apply some very strict game mechanics. When you attack 2 zombies they won't suddenly sneak up on you from behind. Heck: no hostile mob does unless... you didn't attack them but they took the initiative. But once you turned around and counter-attack it then it won't try to get around you once again (just keep any other hostiles in mind which you were fighting).

    Why this is so? Simple really: your shield can only protect you from hits in front of you. And Mojang anticipated on that.

    Yet EMC mobs totally ignore this mechanic.

    Which in itself wouldn't be a big deal, were it not for the fact that even the new "henchmen" (guardians) inflict insane amounts of damage IF you compare this with the maximum amount of protection a player can get. Even 2 - 3 hits from a guardian is a sure way to die. In fact... some guardians are basically at the same level as bosses in that respect.

    So why not raise their health to insane levels instead of their attack damage? This would keep things still "vanilla'ish" with the twist that you might end up getting bored of the fight and you'd actually WANT to call in some help to make this more doable.

    That would be an honest game mechanic which would even honor vanilla gameplay.

    I get it: they were never meant for individual players to fight.

    So another take on that: then why spawn them in for individual players in the first place?

    Why not separate the bosses into those which can be fought by a single player and those which cannot, then base the spawning on that aspect. Is the player in a group? Spawn harder bosses. Is the player alone? Spawn "doable" bosses.

    I think that can make this whole mechanic much more appealing and enjoyable.

    Which is another problem: I don't mind difficult battles just as long there's at least some enjoyable reward in the end. Yet that's not always the case. I've fought custom bosses only to get some tokens and a small bit of stuff which I could also have gotten from an enraged mob. And then I was "smart" (or dumb :D) enough to use voters gear, but I also know that if you used god gear you'd probably be looking at either destroyed gear or gear which is in dire need of mending.

    Making it even less appealing to fight this stuff.

    The reason for my "whining" is very simple... on one hand we're told that things are becoming a bit harder because there's a desire to sit closer to vanilla gameplay. Now referring to us losing XP and not being able to keep this XP amongst servers. I get it, I don't necessarily like it but I can definitely support that.

    Yet at the same time we're suddenly confronted with threats which don't even come CLOSE to vanilla. No vanilla mob destroys your god gear (= best protection you can get in the entire game) with a few blows.

    "It is way too easy for players to get stuff on the Empire"

    Uhm, no?

    Sure: it is for a veteran like me who votes every day, somewhat maintains a shop and it would be even easier if I would actually start to sell some of my spoils.

    But your average player who players only a few hours every day or heck: a few hours every week?

    I say this because I sometimes do crazy stuff in the weekends. Not always, and you best not expect me to because you'll end up highly disappointed (I actually can say no :D ), but I've seen too many new players (read: they showed up in /newplayers) getting really excited when it got decided that they should get a set of Aya's god gear (because she didn't like the color anymore :D). If it really was that easy to get stuff... then I don't understand their excitement to be honest.

    Of course I do: Different players, different expertise and different possibilities. What's "too easy" for one can be an extreme challenge for another, and that fact gets overlooked way too often in my not so humble opinion.

    But even if it was "too easy", so what?

    See... I get it: the Empire needs to be more challenging to cater to those alleged new players who kept asking for that. But what about the massive player base you currently have and who actually enjoyed the way things were? ;)


    No, I am not trying to be a "party poop" and I'm most definitely not being negative because I enjoy this. I don't. I want what's best for the Empire. I also don't intend on following up on my post.

    See, I have an insane friends list (or so I think). Around 180. Right now, time of writing, I have 4 friends online. On a Saturday evening, nearing "prime time" (it's 22:30 around here) and.... Last Saturday I was on I had 2 pages of online friends. Sure, could be because of circumstances, but...

    I write stuff like this because I start to worry.

    Alas.. that's my take on this, thanks for reading.
  16. You can control enraged and boss spawn. Enraged only autoattack if you're difficult 3 and above. Bosses, difficult 7 and above. If you're fighting a BOSS, the fight should be difficult and it is likely you will die. If it's too hard for you, lower your difficulty. Most of our testing was ensuring the bosses and enraged were hard but killable, both solo and groups, and I assure you they are.
  17. If you can't kill it, don't attack it. I don't see why it needs to go beyond that?

    I can't kill Eyender so I just ignore it.
  18. For reference:
    I survived and killed the bosses on Difficulty 7 solo, and comfortably on 5.
    When we tested, I survived and killed the bosses on Difficulty 10 "with" a group of 2-3 other people.
    So it is possible.

    This all depends on your fighting strategies, solo vs group, armour, and food choices. It's all about learning how the boss and mobs work, and adapting to it.
  19. Classic example, thank you.

    You know that, I know that, do the new players we want to keep around know this? They don't.

    So if they suffer a defeat and then are still willing to put effort into this: what would be their strategy? Also considering that we're talking about a server which advertises itself as "vanilla+"? God gear is the highest rated armor in the game, this is undeniable, and when they attack the boss with this...

    I'm pretty sure that EMC will be very close (if not over the border) to having lost yet another new player. 2 - 3 hits with the best armor in the game (hard to obtain for a new player) and they're dead.

    While you also most likely have insight information into their fighting mechanics. Assuming you have access to the full code base of course.

    Still, pardon me, no offense, but this comment means very little to me given the likelyhood that you know how those bosses react in the first place considering your developer status.

    (edit): regular players don't have this insight knowledge.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  20. I don't disagree that there is an issue with new player education and mobs - I have brought it up many times in the past (even during SU1).

    I do disagree that nerfing the mobs is the solution.
    FadedMartian, 607 and ShelLuser like this.