Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2017 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2017.

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  1. It's the same wall, too, isn't it? Or might it be a whole 'nother wall, merely connected to the wall we know and love?..
  2. Yeah but its a different PART of the same wall. A part we have never seen before. Therefore, its special :3
  4. :o
    Also, you're smiling, yay. :D
  5. Its been a while since i posted, so heres me during class, wishing i wasnt in class :p

  6. I think that's a nice picture of you Bunni :)
  7. Aww! Thank you Skele :D<3
  8. Eh I'm just going to throw these here xD Part of my Ciel Phantomhive cosplay (not yet completed)

  9. You posting these pictures just made me realise I know you... you changed your name again?? xD
  10. Haha xD I change my name a lot but on this account this name is final but for my alt well I just changed her name again yesterday lol
    DavisatDavis, SkeleTin007 and 607 like this.
  11. You look really pretty :)
  12. Nice! :)
    It seems like you are looking at a a screen, instead of at the camera... but oh well. :p

  13. Lighting 0.3/10 because I never take selfies. Also, I'm not hiding in a hoodie this time. You're welcome. :D
    EDIT: Why yes I'm dressed up and ready to go at 5:30am... ...*slowly crumbling inside*
  14. You look gorgeous!!! keep taking non hooded selfies :D

  15. I'm the one on the left, the girl is my girlfriend!
  16. Wow, your hair looks even better than your girlfriend's. What kind of product you use, my dude?
    BlinkyBinky, SkeleTin007, 607 and 3 others like this.
  17. Shampoo and Conditioner. I'm really proud at my blonde hair so I take good care of it!
  18. FDNY21 and I celebrated our second anniversary yesterday at a rainy car show :D <3

  19. Congrats! :D
    Wow, did Fendy get old quickly!! :eek:
    That might be for the better, though, as you used to look quite a bit older than him. :p (you might still be more mature :rolleyes:)
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