Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2017 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2017.

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  1. Congrats! :D
    Wow, did Fendy get old quickly!! :eek:
    That might be for the better, though, as you used to look quite a bit older than him. :p (you might still be more mature :rolleyes:)
  2. New puppy in training!
  3. Whilst I may be slightly older than him, he's far more mature than I :rolleyes:
    607, SkeleTin007 and _Bunni__ like this.
  4. Hey that facial hair is pretty goooid (lol don't judge meh xD)

    *realizes I quoted the wrong post* o_o
    We3_MPO, 607, AnonReturns and 2 others like this.
  5. this thread is lacking in the appropriate amount of emos

    and so i give u an emo

    ta da

    maybe i'll post one with my topknot tat i dont go out in public in idk we'll see
    Tuqueque, We3_MPO, Melk73 and 7 others like this.
  6. I cant tell if on purpose or not
  7. of course it's on purpose that is quite clearly me

    i know i know, ladies you can hardly contain yourselves, dont worry there is enough of me to go around :)

    Edit: I fixed it.
  8. Edit: Never mind, I think I got ninja'd...
  9. 8 weeks old and growing!
  10. Must have puppy!!! IT'S SO CUTE!!!
    Oriethet, carolmoss and _Bunni__ like this.
  12. Beautiful! Oh yeah... the puppy's cute too :p :)
  13. You look reallllly nice in those pictures.
  14. Im the Bear in the first one, and in the space helmet in the other.... :D
    FadedMartian and carolmoss like this.
  15. Damn. That's a reeaaally big puppy.
  16. You've changed a lot since your last photo.
    AnonReturns, AmyLeePlayz and Sachrock like this.
  17. You and the puppy both look great!! :D
    DavisatDavis and carolmoss like this.
  18. boo~
    Melk73, Floorfne, SkeleTin007 and 5 others like this.
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