[POLL] Empire Minecraft Logo: Changing the A

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, Jan 25, 2017.


How do you think the A should look?

Poll closed Feb 1, 2017.
Small square 18 vote(s) 6.5%
Long Rectangle 20 vote(s) 7.2%
Smiley face 101 vote(s) 36.5%
Small square with longer legs 185 vote(s) 66.8%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I am a bit concerned about this line:
    UltiPig likes this.
  2. The smiley face is the best. It's intriguing and somewhat resembles a creeper.
    UltiPig likes this.
  3. I love the smiley face! EMC always seems to cheer me up just when I need it the most so yea.. smiley face for me all the way. =D
    We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
  4. Maybe you can just make an angry creeper with eyebrows. That should be different enough that it's a unique creation.

    I mean I'd be angry too if an EULA was threatening my existence.
    607 and UltiPig like this.
  5. But I think that wouldn't look too good either.
    UltiPig likes this.
  6. Further discussion really appear mute at this point... as option four appears to be way ahead.

    Face it... most everyone appreciates long legs. :)

    Wont expand further as i dont wish to be banned...
  7. I enjoy the 3rd one, as it looks very similar but is Eula Compliant.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  8. For those who didnt know what EULA Compliant meant check out this paragraph grabbeb from another site. The following is not my work or writing:
    Home Data storage management Software applications End User License Agreement (EULA)

    End User License Agreement (EULA)
    Posted by: Margaret Rouse

    Contributor(s): Brent J. Roraback, Tselly Regev
    An End User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal contract between a software application author or publisher and the user of that application. The EULA, often referred to as the "software license," is similar to a rental agreement; the user agrees to pay for the privilege of using the software, and promises the software author or publisher to comply with all restrictions stated in the EULA. The user is asked to indicate they that "accept" the terms of the EULA by opening the shrink wrap on the application package, breaking the seal on the CD case, sending a card back to the software publisher, installing the application, executing a downloadable file, or by simply using the application. The user can refuse to enter into the agreement by returning the software product for a refund or clicking "I do not accept" when prompted to accept the EULA during an install.
    UltiPig likes this.
  9. 3 is my favorite. 2 after that.
  10. Ah, the end of an era. Sad that the creeper face must go but also overjoyed by the prospect of a completely revamped logo down the line. I voted for the fourth one.
  11. I like the Smiley Face, don't get me wrong, but I'm afraid it's similar to the Creeper face, and may get a complaint against EMC. But that number 4 option looks the most ascetically pleasing, and matches the R above it. Which leads to consistency through the logo, which logo's should have.
  12. I like the 4th :p
  13. My favorite was the fourth, though the third one was cute >.<
    607 likes this.
  14. I think that the 4th one looks the best
    607 likes this.
  15. too bad the smiley didn't win :(
    We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
  16. Smiley face looks good.

    Btw did you guys try using a creeper or some other monster in place of A or some other letter? doesn't hurt giving it a try
  17. Um... The design has been decided on, and, in fact, has already been put in place. Look at the logo, it's option 4.
    And the A actually had a creeper face... that's the whole reason behind the change: we were using a Creeper face, which Mojang has apparently got the rights to, and that's why we needed to change it. So yes, we've tried 'using a creeper or some other monster in place of A or some other letter' and yes, it actually does hurt giving it a try.
    SirDieALott likes this.
  18. I'm shocked this is actually a thing.
  19. Better this than a notice on the front page saying that EMC's being forced to shut down over a Creeper face in the logo.