Empire 1.11.2 Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. Hey Aikar thanks for all your hard work buddy. :D We all do appreciate your work!

    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  2. Would like to add to this. I was using my mouse to place the item into the mail slot when i disconnected. I do not know if the item was thrown on the ground or what. Still a 25k loss. Trying to provide as much info as possible.

    Be careful mailing stuff- Just in case a server restarts.
  3. Bug Fixes, Episode VIII-Return of the Vault.
  4. yup, pretty rough man, how much you lose?
  5. Whoever wrote the recent rebooting reason, well-done! You got people laughing, for sure.:p

    (Reason: "Episode 8 - Return of the Vault" (Unown))
    607, nltimv and NuclearBobomb like this.
  6. Haha, I watched Rogue One yesterday :p

    With this update, vaults have been fixed. Anyone who opened it during the affected period who had Spawn Eggs will sadly have had them corrupted.

    PLEASE CONTACT SS FOR REPLACEMENT. Promo Eggs still have the lore, Staff just need to re-set the type of egg.

    Any bugged eggs in your vault will not be touchable. If you happen to have any in your inventory, let SS know and give them to them.

    These eggs WILL NOT be allowed as a "special/promo" item and will be confiscated if sold.

    • Llama strength changing on eggifying has been fixed
    • Llama strength added to /horse
    • Llama can now be stabled
    • Max Stable Limit upped from 10 to 20
    • Disabled Pot of Gold and other cooldown based items until we can fix a bug with them.
    • Fix using Shulker Boxes as Shop chests
    • Block Mailing unsafe items to mail
    ShelLuser, 1998golfer, 607 and 7 others like this.
  7. Time for you to crash now? Good job fixing things and with the update.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  8. Great fixes hope the minor bugs get squashed tomorrow. :)
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  9. How will we know if it's affected? I opened my vault once we upgraded just the one time. None of mine have ever been spawned.

    Some shells mostly.
  10. Remove the item from your vault, if youre able to and dont get a message to contact ss. No issues what so ever.
  11. I placed my shulker box next to the end portal and now i can't retrieve it I feel like an idiot
  12. gg.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  13. Yay! :)
    Finally the llamas and shulker boxes have been added!!!
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  14. Yeah, Me too. :(

    I lost a whole inventory full of treasure: enchanted armor; gold; diamonds; end rods; etc. My son says, look at the "bright" side, at least I didn't loose any elytra... because I failed to find any.
  15. dang that hurts, only lost a couple shells and a nice pick hope they fix it soon
  16. I got a couple extra. I will mail you one.
  17. Oh yeah, I lost shells too. But is was only 3. I hope to go back and get some again some day. They are not as useful until EMC finds a way to make them really useful. Then they will be a game changer. (I think.)
  18. Wow, Just WOW! That is SOOOO nice. I am like... almost speechless. Thank you so much. Mail received. Thank you, thank you. You are too nice.

    To me that is worth more than all the stuff I lost.

    I feel like Clarence at the end of "It's a Wonderful Life". I got my wings, I got my wings! :)
  19. I will see about getting Empty Shulkers working in next few days. I must sleep, and gotta go to moms tomorrow too.
  20. Glad to see that the biggest vault issues have been solved!
    But you should get some rest, Aikar!
    ShelLuser likes this.