Empire 1.11.2 Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. I cant log on using 1.11 for some reason. Anyone else having this issue? I pm'd Aikar just curious
  2. Are you using mods? You need forge 1.11.2 to log in with mods...

    Otherwise try 1.11.2
  3. There are polar bear eggs, seen 'em with my own two eyes
    You need to be on 1.11.1 at least, possibly 1.11.2 I think
  4. Ok
    didnt know that, thanks :) I was using 1.11 forge loader
  5. wow, that's a nice way of seeing EMC activity. Just told Keiko that she'll have to wait a moment, I need to check this upgrade out :D Very nice that I can now once again use 1 single MC version for all the servers (and savefiles) I use :)

    I do have some mixed feelings about the inability to place shulker boxes in vaults. I do hope that this only applies to filled boxes and not so much empty ones. Because the latter would be a bit nasty considering that they're relatively hard to obtain (for now anyway).

    But even so... It is a good way to keep your items safe, so it feels a bit cheap not to allow this.

    This is just an (educated) guess: any item sold by a villager has a fixed cost range (in emeralds). So basically what Aikar has done is increased the price and made it higher than vanilla. Check this Minecraft wiki page. 12-20 emeralds for the ocean explorer map and 16-28 emeralds for the woodland mansion map. So on EMC those costs would be higher.

    Tip: if you use # on the last line then also add a custom description behind it. For example: "#Mending book" (without the "" of course). Now if you left click with the item then it'll use your custom name.

    This is ideal for enchanted books & potions because sometimes the automatic description was really very vague.

    Hope this can help!
  6. Aikar answered this in the OP.
  7. I know, and I gave my opinion on it :p
    TBirdXmas16 likes this.
  8. This happened last update as well - SS had to manually fix the locations (make little platforms) so you wouldn't fall into the void. Please supply SS with coords and SMP when applicable. Thank you.

    Also wanted to give a huge thanks to DEV and Aikar in particular who as been awake for over 24 hours now and is STILL fixing things as I type this. That's a massive commitment for all of us.
  9. When can we access the vaults again, it's down. How can we access it now ? I cannot access important items now.

    Also sadly the bug with animals and stairs is still not fixt.
    It seems you get very hard up a stair when you ride animal. you bounce a bit back. Just a sort of lag. But only with animals and stairs. (try the outpost ones) running latest java here.
  10. Aikar is TRYING to get an update out ASAP to allow access, but there are some show-stopping bugs with some eggs so he's trying to fix. They will be up as soon as possible. Considering the types of bugs that happen with updates, this one is generally mild.
    607, Nickblockmaster and ShelLuser like this.
  11. /Spawn is not working anymore. it send me to /town center.

    And there's other bug.
    Ok, not sure if it's a bug. but it looks like i cloned my horse after eggify it by accident in waste. and i did bring it back in town. Then i did /spawn and got back in /town but i did see my horse again in /town center and after stable the first one i could stable the second one to.

    It seems not to happen with my donkey
  12. /spawn and /town take you to the same place.
    607, ShelLuser and Sachrock like this.
  13. That's really not something exclusive to EMC. I even experienced glitches earlier this week when playing on my own server with my GF. Can't really pin that on Aikar buddy :)

    It has been doing that since I started playing on the Empire. That's intended behavior.

    In general:

    Seems player achievements now get broadcasted globally on the server. That does look like a glitch, just noticed a relatively new player getting the "Getting wood" achievement while he was in the waste.
    607 and Zrugite like this.
  14. Thank you, and thank you to the dev and test teams, for all the work done on this. It's sincerely appreciated.
  15. additional issues were found relating to the egg issue... so we cant enable vaults

    but im reaching my limits on staying awake (ive been up for 24hrs)

    im going to have to go to sleep and try to work on it more this evening.
  16. Sooo... no vaults until this evening? :(
  17. Not until it is stable, which looks to be (hopefully) this evening. The bug put eggs in vaults at risk, so we need to lock down the issue until it is fixed or this thread is just going to become a slew of 'my egg is broken, please fix' responses.
  18. Then I cant do anything with the update until it is fixed. My elytra and some of my gear is in my vaults....
    TBirdXmas16 likes this.
  19. That is correct, but people function a lot better when they have had sleep, if anyone is sleep deprived they normally don't work as efficiently and this could cause them to make mistakes etc. So you will just have to wait.
  20. I want to say a it thank you to all the devs!
    Please sleep well and take your time with your rest! Keep up the good work!
    Nickblockmaster likes this.