Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Never mind it works now. But that was weird.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  2. Chin broke the server Ancient xD

  3. Being fixed at this moment
  4. ShelLuser and UltiPig like this.
  5. Should be noted that Aikar fixed the problem. Who knows what we would do without him. #ChinBrokeIt.
  6. i cant connect to the sever ive tried everything and it wont show up in my multiplayer server list
    i tried from 1.9 to 1.9.4 and 1.10 and still wont show up
    any help plz?
  7. Been having issue yesterday that when I fight Momentus and get killed, then press the respawn button.. the game crashes. Now it does only happen when mods are on but having the mods on does not affect anything else in game. Only when dying to the big guy. Anyone else getting this issue? I can post the logs if needed.
  8. The logs wouldn't be helpful as it would be a client bug, not a server issue. Are you using a 1.9 version?
  9. You have to add it, did you do Add server,
  10. yes the server is in the list but i cant connect to it it says cannot connect to server where it usually shows how many ppl are on
  11. i connected last week or two ago
  12. Yes 1.9.4. Mods include forge+liteloader, schematica, world edit, world Downloader, voxelmap, damage indicator and macromod. Fought with a marlin yesterday as well and died but no crash. Only happens with Momentus.

    I wonder if it's the damage indicator mod because it never shows his health decreasing.
  13. So in the last week or two have you had a new anti-virus, firewall or any Windows updates (assuming you are on Windows)? I know malwarebytes doesn't like java games and blocks minecraft...
  14. Apart from what has been said above also try using 'direct connect', then enter a random server name. For example: or Sometimes that can also help.
  15. Can you connect to any non-emc servers?
  16. Just so you know, it happened again while getting killed from a Blizz. So I removed the damage indicator mod and it didn't happen again. I guess I will look into getting those mods for 1.10.2 and see how that goes.
  17. ok well i figured out why it wasnt workin and it was coz i was using 1.9.4 not 1.11 so now its on 1.11 and i can connect tho ppl were saying only 1.9 will work
  18. ok well i figured out why it wasnt workin and it was coz i was using 1.9.4 not 1.11 so now its on 1.11 and i can connect tho ppl were saying only 1.9 will work im on 1.11 now
  19. ive noticed shiny flesh and dragon stones have lost there shine to them :(

    I liked that :p
  20. When connecting to smp7 with 1.11 no mods and modded it crashes my game =/

    The game crashed whilst ticking block entity
    Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property atw{name=facing, clazz=class cv, values=[down, up, north, south, west, east]} as it does not exist in atk{block=minecraft:air, properties=[]}
