Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Seems to be very buggy online atm. Can't type in chat to others, no commands work (/trash, /buildmode etc.) and the chunks of my outpost are loading very very slowly and nothing is moving. I can still move around and place items but not much else. Anyone else having issues?
  2. Did you verify that its not just you? Rebooting your computer, and or Router?
    ThaKloned likes this.
  3. I did all that. Very odd.

    Other websites work fine. Just EMC site and server.
  4. I am unable to ask anyone else, but I dont see anyone else commenting, What is your ping?
  5. Looks like it wasn't me. Bell Canada had 774 reports of issues in my area :D Looks to be ok now though. Go Canada!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. Can't connect to the server, Unknown host. It was working 10-20 minutes ago, and it's not my internet since I can be on the forums.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  7. Also having trouble connecting to the servers, I had the same problem with the forums but that resolved itself.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  8. Website is working for some and not others, In-Game is working for some and not others. Aikar is aware and put an adjustment to the servers that will hopefully work, but he said it might take a while to apply.
    RunkerD, crazyminerpete and nltimv like this.
  9. I used to have that problem on a frequent basis and the culprit ended up being my internet service provider (ISP). I suggest rebooting your router if you haven't already done so. Should that not work, please contact your ISP for further assistance.
    SirDieALott likes this.
  10. Thanks mate. That's what I thought too. But had to be sure :D
  11. Hello, I'm having an odd issue, I was exploring the nether on smp1 and came across a redstone machine, turned it on and shortly after my game crashed, now happens every time I log in, I don't quite have enough time to get to the lever to turn the machine off, all help/suggestions welcome.:confused:
  12. The lag from the machine is crashing your game. Perhaps try turning your settings down and log back in? If that doesn't help, we could try and TP you out of the location.
    ShelLuser and Tyron87 like this.
  13. Thanks for the prompt response :) I just tried turning the settings down and no luck, tp'ing me out would be great, just another thought though, if someone else comes across it including the maker they will likely have the same problem. According to Minecraft crash report: Description: Ticking block entity

    Also, grats on the 1337 post :D
    ShelLuser and TomvanWijnen like this.
  14. Which version of Minecraft are you using? Try using 1.9.4
    ShelLuser, Tyron87 and Eviltoade like this.
  15. Sucess! tyvm both of you. Redstone machine is off as well, much appreciated.
    ShelLuser and Eviltoade like this.
  16. Just a little tip. It probably isn't the best idea to mess with random redstone contraptions you find. You could end up harming them or other things.
    ShelLuser and Eviltoade like this.
  17. It was a well labeled on/off switch, no messing with involved :p had the look of a mob farm
  18. Still, you shouldn't touch things that are not yours.
    Tyron87 likes this.
  19. Having trouble connecting to smp8. I can connect to the other smps but not 8. I get this message.
    Eviltoade likes this.