British People

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Sachrock, Nov 23, 2016.


Are you British?

Yes 34 vote(s) 25.0%
No 102 vote(s) 75.0%
  1. ...

    I didn't even know people could put cream in their tea.

    This thread is full of surprises.
  2. Yorkshire tea is the best tea :p
    TotoStyle, Equinox_Boss and Sachrock like this.

  3. Truthfully, not sure I've ever actually used cream. I usually just do milk
  4. I had a scone yesterday, do I win.
    Equinox_Boss and Sachrock like this.
  5. Now, thanks to the wonderful Internet I could do some research on the matter and guess what? Here's a youtube video which shows you all the things which British people do according to Americans :) Please be warned though that there are some (slightly) adultish' jokes being made here and there. Nothing over the top (otherwise I wouldn't share it) and I think it's funny, but do keep it in mind.

    Also: don't take this too seriously ;)

    And in case you'd rather not be confronted with slightly specific humor then here's the list of 10 things which (according to WhatCulture) Americans think all British do:
    • 10 - We drink tea.
    • 9 - We like to queue.
    • 8 - We speak like the Queen.
    • 7 - We send all our kids to posh schools.
    • 6 - We obsess over the Royals.
    • 5 - We live in London (or on a postcard).
    • 4 - We eat awful food.
      • (you know what can happen when Gordon Ramsey gets mentioned, right? :D)
    • 3 - We maintain a stiff upper lip.
    • 2 - We go to the pub all the time.
      • Another reason why I figured I'd best spoiler the video ;)
    • 1 - We all have bad teeth.
    SO yeah
    Equinox_Boss, Sachrock and Kytula like this.
  6. What? are you mad?
    Daynsyy and Equinox_Boss like this.
  7. WORD ART!
  8. It is quite good. Especially over ice & with some clear distilled adult liquid made famous by Russia & Poland :D.
  9. You're mental.
    Drinking iced tea just makes you more mental.
    Too late. Time to debunk.
    1. True.
    2. True.
    3. Absolutely false.
    4. Absolutely false.
    5. Half-false. You either love the Royals, or hate them - I have yet to meet a person (in Liverpool, Manchester, or Cheshire, or the entirety of the country of Wales) who loves them.
    6. Obviously false :p (Find a native Brit in London. I dare you to try. Hint: The global cities of the world don't tend to have many non-immigrants in.)
    7. BRITISH TRADITIONAL FOOD -> EVERYONE ELSE'S FOOD (besides the Balkan states' and German and... I mean, nobody else's...)
    8. Sixteen years of living in the United Kingdom and I still don't know what 'stiff upper lip' means...
    9. As I'm under 18, I can't personally vouch for this one... but from observations of all the adults around me: this one is true.
    10. Bad-looking teeth, sure. The actual health of the teeth is, last time I heard, some of the best in the world.
  10. oh ok for a minute there I thought you were talking about hot tea eww!
  11. I might have to try this just to make sure
    Sachrock, Equinox_Boss and Kytula like this.
  12. I actually prefer it just sweetened iced tea with a splash of lemon juice & previously mentioned other liquid. Rather than the 1/2 & 1/2 version with lemonade.
    Sachrock, Equinox_Boss and Kytula like this.
  13. I'll give each version a go :D
    Sachrock and Equinox_Boss like this.

  14. Lush ;)
    Sachrock and Equinox_Boss like this.
  15. Bump!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. We've discussed tea and other such things, but...

    Why have we not discussed music yet? The actual important stuff? British rock and British pop are some of the best music I've ever heard. Welsh folk music isn't that bad either (for folk music).
  17. Yeah i think that British music is pretty decent, i do listen to quite a few songs which are British
    Jadzz and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. Bump! It's really interesting seeing how many people there is from the UK :)
    Jadzz, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  19. Coldplay. That is all.
    lottie1664, Equinox_Boss and Sachrock like this.