I remember my first "drop party" I didn't know what one is so I set up dispensers and made people jump on pressure plates. I gave away like 60k in stuff. All that I had earned or made my first month.
I remember when Maxarias unclaimed 16098 for me so a friend could claim that residence and live there. She gave me some fire, but I placed it all. I now own 16098.
I love threads like these... I wasn't sure whether to post because quite frankly... Reading all this makes me feel like a newbie (and I love it!) So here is my feeble attempt... I remember a time where beacons used to radiate across residences. And why I remember? Because I learned of that (my contrib. status might have something to do with this) and immediately acted on it as well: The access sign is long gone, I left the button to remind me of all this. There used to be an access sign which listed all of my surrounding neighbours. Not only that... I used to sent new neighbours a forum PM which explained this button and how they could use it (usually after I checked out my residence surroundings and spotted someone new). And not just one residence (the beacons are below the green grass), the 4 others on my other residence ('behind' this one) get controlled with this also (not those shown in the background, those are from another residence). When my beacons hindered my neighbours they could fix the annoyance themselves I like that Aikar made beacon buffs residence only, but I honestly miss those days where I'd scan my surroundings to make sure that new players knew about this
I remember when Momentus and Marlix spawns were rare and then Aikar changed the spawn rate and the next morning they were everywhere. I spent 3 days doing nothing but hunting them. Along the same lines. I remember when you could kill a Marlix in 20 mins instead of an hour and 20 mins. I don't have any good stuff I'm still a noob at a year and a half.
Same here buddy! Ha, you made me feel a whole lot better now And yes: I also remember that Momentus invasion! good times!