[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. What this year has taught me is that everything can change on a whim. Brexit is a perfect example of this: people rode off the backs of a protest vote, leave (the protest vote) was never expected or meant to win (unless the supporters were far-right). Yet here we are with an economic recession looming, one of the countries within the UK wanting to split away as they only voted to stay in the UK to remain in the European Union, racism and nationalism running rampant, our political parties don't know what the Hell to do and our second largest party looks like it's going to split apart, and we haven't even left yet (and our new Prime Minister keeps delaying it and I expect her to until the 2020 general election so someone can campaign on a promise to scrap the referendum).

    Trump and Brexit are both similar to eachother, in that they are protest votes to fight against the establishment. I don't think Trump means to win either.
    607 likes this.
  2. You aren't understanding are you. Or course the Clintons have money. All presidential candidates have money. But they were not born into the lap of luxury that Trump was born into. The Clinton's went to public schools and had jobs and worked. Trump hasn't worked a day in his life. He was born into something you and I will never understand and he will never understand us. So all these, primarily uneducated, blue collar, hard working Americans, that get up early every day and work their butts off to provide for their families back a candidate that has had servants wait on him from the day he was born astounds me. I don't agree with everything about the Clintons, I have said I am no fan of Hillary so you might as well stop using her as a defense for Trump. But Trump has no understanding of what it is like to be a common man. You can see that in the ludicrous things he says. When he gets criticized for it I'm sure he is dumbfounded what he said wrong. He has never had to be empathetic or consider the feelings of another people his entire life.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  3. "Smart people, the best people, people I know, they come to me, the're saying these things. Hillary is corrupt, crooked Hillary doesn't have an honest bone in her body, I keep hearing. I don't know. I'm just saying, a lot of smart people are saying these things."
  4. For the most part I agree. I remember her coming in as first lady (I might be the only one here that does). She was arrogant, egotistical and full of power she thought. Since, I believe she is driven only by her own ambition. But the thought of irrational, out of touch, dangerous Trump as president scares the poop out of me. He scares the poop out of the majority of the republican party too. And let's be honest, you could fit every ethical politician in a bathtub together and still have room for a St. Bernard.
  5. I agree with you on all of this. I just have to point out what I put there was meant as a joke - playing on Donald Trump's very bad habit of making completely unfounded claims and using 'a lot of people are saying these things' as his only source.
    607 likes this.
  6. What I don't understand is selling out your principles to the highest bidder which the Clintons have done time and again. I don't really care whether or not they were born into money. They have tons of it now and have acquired it through the same methods for which people excoriate their opponents. To some of us that makes it even worse. They should know better.
  7. Remember, I don't like Hillary either. And she certainly got chewed on by Bernie for it. Can I ask you a question Hoops? Who would you prefer, Trump or Bernie?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  8. Haha, good one dude.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  9. Trump vs. Bernie is kind of a moot point, isn't it? I'm not planning on voting for anybody right now. The thought of either Hillary or Trump running the show makes me sick. If somebody stuck a gun to my head and forced me to make a decision I'd probably pull the lever for Gary Johnson.
  10. Let's just hope there even is a United States of America in the future, both these candidates just seem to be aiming to start a new war, just to benefit themselves, the election today is basically vote for a racist or vote for George W. Bush 3rd term. It's not actually bush but it might as well be.
    Zrugite likes this.
  11. Can someone please explain to me why they think Clinton is such a warmonger?
  12. I don't know much about Hillary, so I can't respond to what you just said about her, but I can promise you that it'd be much worse with Trump than Hillary.

    Hitler II anyone?
  13. So true. I have an uncle who's a republican and he doesn't even want to vote for Trump, but he's going to anyways because he doesn't want to vote for Hillary, or just "not vote" altogether. Plus, he openly admitted that he's a racist and that Trump's walls will prevent Muslims from terrorizing the country...

    Hey, to each their own.
  14. When it comes to Hillary she will say what she believes will get her votes. Many voters could have a concern that a woman president will not be tough enough. So some of her what she is saying is that she will be tough on Russia, China, and in the Middle East to appease these concerns. If she is elected I believe she will be tempered in her responses and I would not anticipate her making any knee jerk reactions. It's all politics.
    TuckerAmbr and IsaacNorman like this.
  15. I think the whole Hitler thing only gives steam to his backers and the republicans to feel they are put upon and the whole world is against them. He's not Hitler. He will not build a wall. He will not get Mexico to pay for it. He will not ban Muslims. He is just pandering to try to get votes. I think that when he ran for president he was just doing it for personal publicity, never expecting he could possibly get here. Seriously, 'Mexicans are a bunch of rapists', who says that? And he has no idea what he would do if he were president. He is over his head. His little joke has gotten out of control. And it scares the heck out of me.
    TuckerAmbr and SoulPunisher like this.
  16. - Voted for the Iraq War
    - Instrumental in the military campaign to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi in Libya.
    - Her State Department supported the arming of Syrian rebels and overthrow of the Syrian government. (There are even rumors that it was in fact captured weapons from Libya that were shipped to Syria which later came into the hands of The Al-Nursa Front and ISIS.)
    - The State Department approved the transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons around the world under her watch, including chemical and biological agents.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  17. I guess this is a good time for me to say, "Bernie, where are you? We need you!!!"

    He would have made a great president.
  18. Dude, you are a hard core Rush Limbaugh guy aren't you. So we shipped chemical and biological agents to other countries? And it was Hillary that was did that? And Hillary gave weapons to ISIS? Dude, you don't really believe this do you? I don't think Trump is Hitler. Can we dial in this absurdity please? And you don't need to post some sort of conspiracy theory website to support your allegations. Let's be honest, if any of this had any possible link to reality it would be reported by more than some sort of hyper conservative conspiracy theory source, right?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  19. This is from the left-leaning Salon.com, not a "hard core Rush Limbaugh" hyper conservative site. I already posted it before and you evidently did not bother to read it.


    I know it upsets your world view to think that the person you are now supporting is up to her neck in the military industrial complex and has blood on her hands but it's absolutely true. Your repeated ad hominem accusations against me won't change that either.
    xxcapmanxx likes this.
  20. I'm not going to keep going back and forth with you on on this. I did read this before and I am familiar with Salon. It is hyper liberal and the hyper liberals don't like Hillary either because she is not liberal enough. You can find evidence of anything you want to find on the internet. I could "prove" to you that Elvis is alive and living in Pennsylvania if I wanted from something I found on the internet.

    You kinda seem to be implying that Hillary authorized sales of arms to countries because they donated to the Clinton Foundation. But you don't really say that do you. But you probably already know that only congress can authorize arms sales to other countries. Congress that is controlled by republicans. But that doesn't really matter does it. Why do republicans seem to be into the whole conspiracy theory thing all the time.

    Let's understand this: Hillary is personally trading arms to bad countries in exchange for money. She has also given chemical and nerve agent weapons banned under the Geneva convention to terrorist groups. And she has also been supplying weapons to ISIS. But none of this this has come out in any reputable news source. Do you know how absurd that sounds?

    I know you are dying to attack a Hillary supporter, "this person you are supporting", but as I have said several times to you I Am No Fan Of Hillary. It is the old republican paranoia. If I say anything negative about a republican, in this case Trump, it means I am an enemy and love Hillary and thus need to be attacked. Dude, chill. Why do republicans think the world is out to get them. I am an independent and have voted republican in the past. But it is this irrational way the republican party is going that really turns me off.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
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