[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. What in what I said leads you to believe I was for Rubio or Cruz? Calm down bud. I am a Sanders fan. I caucused for him as well as worked on his campaign when the caucuses were in my state. I am offended that you would accuse me of being a Cruz or Rubio fan. I like Sanders ideas, what he says and want to do. I like many things about him but one thing I'm not crazy about is his ability to debate. You might disagree and that is fine but Trump is so rude to people that I think it would make me very uncomfortable as he starts to call Bernie names and degrades him. Excuse me I am getting nauseous, Cruz and Rubio, oh no, I think I'm gonna

    TuckerAmbr and LoveAllTrustNone like this.
  2. Just mistaken you for somebody else, sorry.
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  3. ESSELEM and Dr_Chocolate like this.

  4. I was kind of expecting the money for charity things was a way to give him an out while making him look generous and everyone else look bad.
  5. I just think it's funny, looking back at some of these original posts on this thread saying that Trump will never make it or be the Republican nominee.

    Then just yesterday Donald Trump became the Republican nominee.

    Everyone underestimated this man greatly, and will continue to do so until he wins the presidency, which he will, and I've believed he would win since about 3 months into all of this mess.

    Regardless of who is running in the opposite party, or who you're voting for, the chances of Donald Trump winning the presidency are strong, he's either fighting against a criminal or a self proclaimed "democratic socialist." I've even heard a good number of Bernie's supporters would be voting for Trump over Hillary.

    And then, you have to take into consideration that Donald Trump is going to /really/ start tearing into Hillary here pretty soon in every way he possibly can, but all her people can seem to throw back at him is something he said about women in the 90's.

    As for Bernie Sanders, I don't believe the man stands a chance, not with the near-rigged election Hillary has going for her with the Super-Delegates. Sorry Bernmiesters.

    Now this isn't me being biased or anything, I'm just making an observation on the situation thus far. Though I am and have been for Trump since Cruz dropped out.

    Not looking to start an argument or get into much of a debate, just wanted to pop in and share my two cents :D
  6. Except Bernie isn't a socialist.
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  7. He's a democratic socialist.
  8. Whoops, lol.

    Will edit.
  9. He's not even that. He has democratic socialist ideas, sure, but he isn't actually a socialist. He's been called out on that by actual socialists. He's fairly liberal for American standards, and is taking ideas from socialism, but he is no where near the level of someone like Jeremy Corbyn, or somebody who governs a place like Sweden or Finland.
    607 and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  10. Why is it that no one seems to understand what socialism is SoulPunisher? I suppose it's an indictment of the American education system too. Not kidding. I wish I was.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  11. Socialism in schools is taught to be something evil.
  12. People do, I just suppose you guys are taught that anything left-wing is Socialism and has to be destroyed before it grows too quickly or something. I have no idea what the American education system is like. I'd guess how shit it is compared to ours, but ours doesn't teach politics at all - hell, we aren't even taught about the British Empire. Most people in this country think that people in Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand and all that just speak English because it's always been like that. And when we are, the lessons are forgettable and the whole thing is glorified. It did some good things, but there were plenty of bad things too, and we're taught none of it.

    I only found out we tried to kill all of the Indians and that Winston Churchill hated them and wanted to kill them all due to the internet.
  13. Webster defines socialism as "a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies". Is that really what Bernie is advocating? How does anyone get so confused to think he does advocate it? I agree with you agree with you Dr_Chocolate. It's like the communist witch hunts of the '50s.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  14. I'm a freshman in high school. I've learned about socialism a few times before. This year, we briefly went over socialism in World History class and how it came out of the Industrial Revolution. My teacher had a clear bias against it and taught it like so.
  15. Australia's, looking nice...
    FoxyRavenger and SSRCMegaMall like this.
  16. And that's fine but the point is that Bernie is far from a socialist.
    TuckerAmbr and SoulPunisher like this.
  17. It's not fine though. When teaching a subject like history, you can't incorporate personal bias.
  18. Well, Bernie wants a form of socialism. We actually have some socialism right now. Schools and roads. If you enjoy those, you are a socialist :p.

    Anyway, Bernie just wants to expand socialism to Healthcare and college as far as I understand.
  19. Hilary looks like a mean principle
  20. Tonight is pretty interesting.
    • Bernie is basically finished after tonight. I am a huge supporter of his, but I don't believe he will be making a comeback.
      • He will support Hillary, but he said it is up to her to give voters a reason to vote for her
    • Trump is "welcoming Bernie supporters with open arms"
    Honestly, Clinton is going to get destroyed in the general election.
    ww2fan168 likes this.
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