Staff deleting/hiding threads.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Rex1o, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. The basics of nonviolent communication

    It's 3 hrs long, very funny and worth watching several times.
    Excellent for improving moderation skills.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  2. When I see the community lashing out at each other over trivial issues that are based solely on opinion, cultural background, how they were raised, etc and will not be solved by any manner of discussion because people don't just change their mind over these things, I feel the need to protect the players that feel offended by these comments because I value those that wish to play by the rules. Would you rather I leave the community to continue arguments that bully and insult others without reprimand?

    Non-violent communication workshops aren't going to fix the problem of players that can't even follow simple rules like 'DO NOT GRIEF' when it's posted in multiple places.

    Here is my opinion explicitly:
    Do I trust players to not tear each other to pieces in flame threads after they already ignore a very explicit warning?
    Is locking and/or hiding offending content the most effective way to remind the players of the rules of this server with regards to discussion content and keep those that choose to continually break those rules in line?