Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. How does he even remember that?
    607 likes this.
  2. Maybe he's an alt :eek:

  3. You call that popular? ^_^
    AyanamiKun, KJCHAV and tuqueque like this.
  4. B(
  5. today.... after like? a year? i finally got around to building a display room for my dragon egg... and it is in the batcave! to visit just go to utopia and /v battmeghs and follow the teleport sign!
    and what better way to protect the egg than with my own minions!

    deathconn, Hashhog, FDNY21 and 9 others like this.
  6. When you're PvPing as you always do, but you're relying slightly more on your fishing rod, because you just bought a new Voters rod...

    Side note: the number of times other people had spammed me with the word "rod," "ur gettin punished," or other crap was just insane, but I nearly get muted under the accusations that I spammed the word "rod" and was intentionally pissing people off by using the fishing rod. gg gf mods
  7. Actual tears of joy are streaming from my eyes right now. :p
  8. Me & my neighbor (DC) lighting up SMP2 ;)

    I've always been a little bit of a geek so you can expect an "RGB" pattern (or influence) in several of my builds. So no need to ask who's 9 beacons those are. But when walking home from a friends res. I suddenly noticed my other friends (DoubleCakes9001) beacons and as you can see they fitted in quite nicely :)

    607, Kytula and fBuilderS like this.
  9. Don't afk on my res peeps ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Then he moved =P

    Don't want my slave getting kicked ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  10. "everyone go to blue but PenguinDJ"
    That was amazing ; w ;
    You must hear that often :p
  11. You'd be surprised how often I'm told things like:
    • I hate you.
    • Stop playing with us.
    • Kill yourself.
    Last one is kinda new.

  12. I'm not sure if I'd be surprised, actually, it's to be expected when you're good at pvp and not willing to constantly go out of the way of people that can't take not being able to successfully take you on.
    Luckily I'm so bad I don't have that problem :p
    Gawadroit and LtCaptainMe like this.

  13. Since if I didn't post this somewhere it would've been lost forever... :rolleyes:
  14. The Wither Storm

    No mods needed.
  15. Meeting up with some good friends :)

    This happened a few days back in Shiyvah's new cozy shop. I think its a fun picture so felt like sharing. In case you want to check the shop out yourself => /v 3454 or simply use /v shiyvah while on SMP2.
    607 likes this.
  16. Uhm, is that just pixel art?
    Dufne likes this.
  17. No, more awesome than that. It's a command block routine which can actually spawn in this monstrosity (the Wither Storm was taken from the Minecraft Storymode game), and even in Vanilla!

    It flies around and is somewhat "guarded" by several separate "wither guardians" (you can customize the amount). After you defeated the guardians then you also defeated the wither storm.

    Just check this out, I don't really care much for most of PopularMMO's videos (I only seem to like the Crafting Dead and even that's kinda flakey now) but this one shows you the Witherstorm and is actually kinda fun :) I love the thunderstorm effect!

    You can get the actual commandblock command here. Needs a separate resource pack though (available on the same page).

    PS: The routine isn't as buggy as you might think when watching the video. The real issue in the video is that they spawned the witherstorm pretty close to the redstone machine which controlled it. And some of its minions (withers) destroyed parts of it ;)

  18. I don't even know...
    ShelLuser, 607 and Kytula like this.
  19. sheep gang fight ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
    ShelLuser, 607 and ArkWarrior1 like this.