Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. From today's Kill that Chin:

  2. How'd you know? *hides*
    PhoenixAffinity and KJCHAV like this.
  3. Ok, pay me 63909 and I'll delete this post so nobody will know. :p

  4. censored to protect no one.
  5. You look out your window to see a nice sunny da......momentus....*goes back to bed*

  6. The iron golems are busy so snow golems are the next best thing.

  7. R.I.P

    Oops XD
    battmeghs, TromboneSteve and Dufne like this.
  8. #SimonMagikedIt

    I love all the staff!

    But not all the staff love me... =(

  9. Never let the Kraken get to world height or else it uses double team.

    Then you have to deal with about 30 of them.
    607 and ChickenDice like this.
  10. Rundercaster likes this.
  11. Nah, not at all XD
    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  12. Before and After (about 2 years, about 2 players)

  13. I find that amazing how someone can build that so fast with just two people.
  14. I mean two years is a while....
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  15. Still something that massive is still pretty amazing.

  16. Um...

    Ben made me an actual present XD
  17. Losing at firefloor with shaders!
    Keliris likes this.

  18. MistressMagick got stuck in a secret door she made on her outpost so she asked if I could go rescue her...but on the way I got myself stuck in another one of her secret doors xD This is me awaiting rescue from another friend xD
    Gawadrolt, 607 and Rhythmically like this.