That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That moment where your parents go shopping and you have to come even though you don't want to. They encourage you by saying we're only buying a few things but actually they buy almost everything.
  2. That moment when you go to the movies with friends and forget to bring your wallet.
  3. Never have I heard my entire childhood summed up so neatly in one little sentence.
  4. *hugs empatheticaly*
    Stagger77 likes this.
  5. that moment when.. you work out what saturation does...

    and suddenly the haunted candy is the best thing in the entire universe...
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  6. That moment when.... you visit res 5007 for the first time and think about how many lapis blocks it took to build this. Crazy.
  7. That moment when when you forget where you put your precious promos.

  8. that moment when your sheep are conspiring against you...

    totally isn't roonieh07 in disguise with some wheat...
  9. That moment when you see this thread is still active after 4 months...
    WayneKramer and welshficwitch like this.
  10. HOLLER!
  11. that moment when your dog ACTUALLY eats your homework :p
  12. Put the remains in a plastic bag to bring to school as proof =P
    ShelLuser, 607 and _FB_ like this.
  13. Heh. My teacher's dog has chewed up my homework before =P
    SteamingFire and fBuilderS like this.
  14. That moment you fall down running UP the stairs with a broken arm unable to catch yourself. :confused:
  15. oh sweetie! no! running is baaaaaad! hope you didn't set your injury back! get well soon!
    Jenna3491 likes this.
  16. That moment when you have nothing to post about
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  17. That moment when a momentus drops 6 vault vouchers, 56 dragon fragments, 54 diamonds, 3 zombie heads and 28 shiny flesh on difficulty 10 <3
    ShelLuser and WayneKramer like this.
  18. That moment when you fall off a huge 1 block dirt tower on your res.
    welshficwitch likes this.
  19. ...
  20. that moment when.... you realize that Baby Groot exists in the PVP arena

    i've played in this arena a lot and never noticed him before :/
    JesusPower2 likes this.