[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. If either Win I will turn into a Cabbage and move to Canada
  2. You would chose Hilary or Bernie over Ben Carson?
    Evvz likes this.
  3. i chose obama over him, why would i choose him now?
    whatkom likes this.
  4. Ben Carson doesn't believe in evolution. He also believes people turn gay in prison. anyone stuck that far in the past has no business running a forward-thinking country
  5. Are you saying people who don't believe in evolution are living in the past? Are you serious? People who don't take other people's beliefs seriously are the ones living in the past.
  6. ummmm yes? I mean if the pope says its probably true, and all of science saying its likely. deniers are probably a bit backwards
  7. shh, don't want to turn this into a religious debate now
  8. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you -- debating on a Minecraft forum. Exactly what you'd expect.
    khixan likes this.
  9. Well you guys already know what I think.

    But seriously? I think "God bless America" should be "God please help America," because every successive election season just gets worse and worse. At this point, I think no one should be President - maybe without a figurehead to pin blame on, we'd realize we only have ourselves to blame for letting the country get in the state it's in. A black hole opening in the middle of the Capitol Building would solve more problems than the politicians inside it.
  10. "If you cannot debate this topic maturely" *proceeds to list the most immature individuals on earth as the candidates to vote for in the poll*

    Nope I'm out
    whatkom likes this.
  11. ah, you are what The Donald would call a "hater and loser" in his classic, mature way ;)
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  12. I read through some of it, I have no idea why. Some of the stuff in here is comedic gold, the actual jokes aside.

    Edit: some of the most off the wall stuff was from people that I consider to have half a brain, the more intelligent of the crowd. It's weird what propaganda can convince people of.
  13. Most of what you post, I just chuckle at and move on, but I'm going to single this bit out as particularly, hilariously misguided.
    I am assuming from your statement that you are very much pro-birth? That under no circumstance is it ever okay for a woman to even have the option to abort a pregnancy? Do you also consider the impact of all those millions of unwanted children on people who, for one reason or another were unprepared or unwilling to care for them?

    I don't exactly identify as "conservative" or "liberal," but I've been seeing some things crop up in my local paper that I think bear mention here. Of the people who claim to be "pro-life," shockingly few actually consider the ramifications of raising a child, post-birth. They want to limit, restrict, and regulate abortion off the face of the earth, but when it comes to education and social welfare programs that might help those children grow, thrive, and succeed after birth, the support mysteriously vanishes. Hence the term "pro-birth." People only seem to care that the fetus survives to term, after that it's the mother's problem (and father's, if he's even stuck around that long).

    I think it's a point you should consider very carefully when you make statements about the topic. Are you actually pro-life, or just pro-birth?
    It's a rhetorical question, I don't think this thread needs to turn into a flamewar over abortion rights. The mere mention of politics stretches that ice dangerously thin already.
  14. Hillary Clinton should be President just because she's female. Every US president to date has been straight, christian males. And until 2009 none of them had been black. It's not a great reason, but it needs to happen.

    Also, everyone living outside of the US is legitimately scared of Donald Trump being president.
    Sansville likes this.
  15. I don't disagree that having a woman for President would be a positive step. And the idea of Trump as Commander In Chief concerns some of us in this country too.
    But I've seen your posts, and I know you to be a fairly rational individual. Please tell me you have better reasons for wanting Hillary in office than "Because she has ovaries."
    I mean, I couldn't even come up with a funny thread for her, what does that tell you? :eek:
  16. I don't concern myself with US politics very much and so I don't know much about how good or bad each candidate is. However from what I've seen, Hillary Clinton isn't too bad of a candidate. I know there has been a fair bit of negative press about her, but you have to admit, a lot of it has likely come around because she is female, and many of the male candidates probably have similar things that could be (but likely won't be) published. The US needs someone to break the status quo of US presidents. Even if they're not all that effective and only in for a single term.
  17. -_- "its not a great reason" no, its not a reason at all. There can be a woman president without it being satan incarnate...
  18. I've relegated your posts to the level of a troll, not because im unwilling to hear your side of the argument but because i have heard your side of the argument. been there, presented strong opposing facts, got ignored because of how you are uneducated, visited the gift shop, and moved on.

    so i wont waste time trying to educate you, google is there for that. instead i will simply say i hope more, educated people then yourself turn out to vote and dont allow your misguided sentiment to gain any kind of foothold in american policy
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