Smp8... and all of EMC remembers CadenMann

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Sgt_Pepper4, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. Thanks for sharing khixan!
    khixan and CadenMann like this.
  2. This picture pretty much sums up everything we've experienced together:

    We've had a good run, Caden. Should you be purged, know that the trolls ain't gonna stop. Esteban, the princess castle, and all the rest will not die. Nay, that shall be reborn in the highest magnitude of trolliness ever seen! Perhaps /purgeplayer is an end, yes, but it is also a beginning. I hope that your appeal goes through, Caden, because Esteban 2.0 and I will be waiting for you when you return. ;)
  3. You are exactly correct. And I was wrong when I said I had no emotion. My emotion is negative from the idea that someone cheated. The idea of being able to find all the diamonds or fly or something would be very tempting. He had more to lose than most. I'm sorry you all lost your friend.
    CadenMann likes this.
  4. Totally agreed!

    Well, although you are right I like to think that this is a classic example of letter of the law vs. spirit of the law. Some players, myself included, felt the need to express their disbelief and disappointment over all this (not directed against a specific group or player, just in general) and staff allowed us to do just that.

    I think a thread like this gives us a good view of what EMC is truly about. We can share our annoyances or disappointments about some issues and at the very least the staff hears you out and allows you to share those issues.

    Obviously I can't speak for the others, but I got my frustration out of my system and yeah, that felt good. And personally I think that too counts for something.
    Gawadrolt, 607 and CadenMann like this.
  5. And I shall be waiting for Esteban and you as well! ;)
  6. Caden, it doesn't matter which way it goes. Yer not allowed to leave.
    {{ hugs }}

    see ya on the flip side. =]
    Kytula, Penguinub, Boozle_ and 7 others like this.
  7. This is why you are one of my favorite people on the Empire. <3
  8. My, I didn't expect to see this after my first day of college. It's upsetting to see, but I read through the entire thread and I'm proud, on the most part, of the turnout to this thread. Lots of respect for Caden and Staff throughout.

    Caden, I've gotten to know you a decent amount and you've been a very valuable player on EMC and one that I would consider a friend. This is why, no matter what the outcome, when you come back, I and by the sounds of it, many others as well, will greet you with open arms.

    I have respect for the Staff also, I have faith that the case has and will further be reviewed, and that a just outcome is put in place. I may not know many of the facts but I would just like to add this to the thread and show my support for both Caden and the Staff team.
  9. CadenMann is 100% guilty...

    ...of being a cool guy, especially towards newbies on SMP8. Hang in there, dude.
    Gawadrolt, ShelLuser, 607 and 3 others like this.
  10. Jury you are dismissed, I sentence CadenMann to having a good evening and a better tomorrow.
    Gawadrolt, 607, CadenMann and 2 others like this.
  11. Not sure it's possible to have a better tomorrow with school starting. ;)
  12. I just almost made an unthinkable.

    I almost set my calculator on my phone as the alarm to wake me up :p
    Ah, the good times that come with school.
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  13. "It's Math O'clock! Get up!"
    Gawadrolt, ShelLuser, 607 and 3 others like this.
  14. Edit: Woops. Wrong chat. I was trying to send a bug report and got my windows mixed up.
  15. Gotta wake up at the Square root of 6 divided by 1.23 AM
    ChickenDice, 607, Kephras and 3 others like this.
  16. "I'm sorry I'm late for class, my alarm clock tried to divide by zero and didn't go off" - Excuse guaranteed to work. Maybe.
    Gawadrolt, ShelLuser, 607 and 2 others like this.
  17. I had that experience 3 weeks ago with school starting... Eh its not so bad.
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.

    Midnight math=not fun.
    I would've ended up chasing the bus because of my love for math. It seems even when I don't want math, math somehow draws me in. I am cursed. :/
  19. Except that he is confirmed to have actually used illegal mods.