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Oct 21, 2024 at 9:11 PM
Mar 23, 2013
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Willie's Roadhouse
Watching fire

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Revered Member, Male, from Willie's Roadhouse

R.I.P. The one and only, James Earl Jones Sep 9, 2024

Nickblockmaster was last seen:
Oct 21, 2024 at 9:11 PM
    1. Nickblockmaster
      Now this is exciting news! The ever loving iconic one and only Betty White is celebrating her 99th Birthday today! I’m delighted to see her still enjoying her life despite her limitations. She is a remarkable woman. Happy 99th Birthday Mrs. Betty. ❤️ Have a blessed day 😄
      1. KatydidBuild and khixan like this.
    2. Nickblockmaster
      1. AnonReturns likes this.
      2. AnonReturns
        Such a fun game!
        Jan 16, 2021
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Yes ma’am! Some parts are a little harder, but overall it’s a good puzzler. Love it! 😄
        Jan 16, 2021
    3. Nickblockmaster
      So, I’ve had some people asking about my vouchers business. I just wanted to say, I haven’t forgotten about it. I ran into some delays before Halloween and then Thanksgiving/Christmas I needed the money elsewhere. I’ll try to continue the business, by the end of week.
      1. Nickblockmaster
        Thank you for your understanding and support! :D
        Jan 12, 2021
    4. Nickblockmaster
      Here comes more icy cold rain and very cold temps! Say we have a chance for ice and some snow, but I probably won't go closer than my window. A pyro likes to stay warm! :D
      1. Ahzeriel3553 likes this.
    5. Nickblockmaster
      Looks like another delicious pineapple pizza is in order for dinner! :D Yummy stuff! Know it sounds crazy, but it’s perfect 😍
      1. SoulPunisher
        I spy with my little eye, a fellow man of taste
        Jan 5, 2021
      2. MoreMoople
        Yummmm!! :D Don't tell Elfin, hehe
        Jan 5, 2021
      3. ElfinPineapple
    6. Nickblockmaster
      Happy New Year! 🎉
      1. KatydidBuild likes this.
    7. Nickblockmaster
      Charley Pride checked out today at 86 yrs old. He died from COVID-19 complications. There are a lot of good lessons that man gave us. I’m not a big on country music, unless it’s old country. Peace be with you Mr Pride!😔 We lost a great man!
      1. SoulPunisher
        This man singlehandedly ended segregation between Irish and British people in Northern Irish concerts during a civil war between the two ethnic groups. As an Irish person... big fan of him as a human being. Hope he rests peacefully :/
        Dec 12, 2020
    8. _Susu_
      Heya Nick! Thanks for the well-wishing yesterday. We had a great day of family and fun. Momma was working, so I spent much of the day doing all of the cooking, but I got rave reviews so it was worth it. Christmas is coming - be prepared!!! The Sus
      1. KatydidBuild and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Ah, sorry she had to work. Sounds like it worked out anyway. That’s all any of us really want eh? I know Christmas is coming. . . It’s coming!!! It’s finally here!!!
        Nov 28, 2020
    9. Nickblockmaster
      Happy Thanksgiving folks! Have a wonderful day! Take care friends ✌️
      1. Tbird1128
        Happy 🦃 day!!!!
        Nov 26, 2020
      2. HillbillyBeastly
        Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours 🦃
        Nov 26, 2020
      3. luckycordel
        Happy Thanksgiving!
        Nov 26, 2020
    10. Nickblockmaster
      Man I cannot believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner and the year is almost spent. Although I can honestly say, I will be glad to put 2020 in the rearview!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MoreMoople
        That sounds wonderful! :D
        Nov 23, 2020
      3. KatydidBuild
        This year will be different. But I have people to share it with and then there will be some video calling with some others. Overall, I just want to be calm, happy, and positive. We can all use some of that right now, I think.
        Nov 27, 2020
      4. Nickblockmaster
        Yes Katy 100%!!! That sounds perfect! 😄
        Nov 28, 2020
    11. Nickblockmaster
      I'd like to wish you all a Happy Halloween! Take care out there and hoard lots of candies!!! For any unsuspecting candy hoarders that have the unfortunate fate of crossing paths with me, I'll spare you of fire. I'll offer you a free non-refundable lollichop pop. 🤣🍭
      1. KatydidBuild and MoreMoople like this.
    12. luckycordel
      Dig the profile pic!
      Did ya move to Georgia? Thought you were in Tennessee, or was I mistaken?
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Thank ya! 🍻
        No sir, I’ve lived in Georgia my whole life. I’ve been to Tennessee a few times. It was definitely a great place to visit, though I’m unsure if I would live there.
        Oct 12, 2020
    13. Nickblockmaster
      Nooo not Eddie Van Halen!! The greatest guitar player the world has ever seen has died at 65 years old. Man this year sucks... just when you think it couldn’t be any worse. This man was unmatched in his skills with a guitar. Always #1 Van Halen! Rest In Peace! :(
      1. HillbillyBeastly
        That sucks! RIP to one of the best ever.
        Oct 6, 2020
      2. luckycordel
        Will be Missed!
        Oct 9, 2020
    14. Nickblockmaster
      I'm sure many of you saw my best friend Varua leaving EMC, and as of late, I am feeling kinda disappointed and unmotivated. That is why you may see a loss in activity from me for a little while. Everything going on right now feels so heavy, and this didn't lighten the load any.
      1. KatydidBuild likes this.
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Y'all take care, I'll be back and somewhat to normal before ya know it. ;)
        Oct 4, 2020
      3. jewel_king
        Come back soon! <3
        Oct 4, 2020
      4. MoreMoople
        Sending happier thoughts your way :) My inbox is always open it you want to chat <3
        Oct 5, 2020
    15. Nickblockmaster
      The support people can give you when you’re at your lowest, can make all the difference in the world! It was recent that I saw others show me this kindness, and I am sincerely grateful to you. 😭 May love lead you, peace fill you, and friendship bind you. Thank you!
    16. Nickblockmaster
      What is wong with people? I had to go out to pay a bill, and there's people all over town like nothing's changed. No wonder Covid-19 is so bad in my state. Everybody's going out and partying. Have you no sense at all? You mindless flock. . .
      1. KatydidBuild
        I cannot like your comment,because I do not like it. I understand your frustrations. Stay safe.
        Sep 5, 2020
      2. crystaldragon13
        It's not just your state Nick.. sigh. =/
        Sep 5, 2020
      3. luckycordel
        Same here in Alabama :/
        Sep 5, 2020
    17. Nickblockmaster
      Last weekend, in the early darkness of morning, my Aunt Pam died unexpectedly from cancer. She was one of those people you hear about that's always happy, always smiling, cheerful, uplifting. A very bright and genuine spirit hers was. I'm gonna miss her a lot. She was the best!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crystaldragon13
        I know this is late but *hugs*
        Sep 5, 2020
      3. luckycordel
        Sorry to hear that Nick. Best wishes to you and your family.
        Sep 5, 2020
      4. Nickblockmaster
        *Hugs back* Thanks y'all.. It's still hard to believe. She was only 56 years old. And they way it unraveled so quickly for all of us. The time for saving her had already passed us by. And then, she was gone. Wished I coulda hugged her one last time. Now, I'll carry her in memory until my day comes.
        Sep 5, 2020
    18. Nickblockmaster
      This guy was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer for 4 years, with it turning into stage 4, while still acting and continuing his career for those who loved him and his works. Our thoughts out to his family and friends! Be at peace Chadwick Boseman. You will be missed buddy! ☹️😭
    19. Nickblockmaster
      If anyone is in the path of hurricane Laura, be safe out there! One can only imagine what a storm like this is about to unleash in it’s wake.
      1. luckycordel and Kryarias like this.
    20. luckycordel
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Thank you for sharing, man that’s pretty cool!
        Aug 25, 2020
      3. crystaldragon13
        =o lucky, that is a most beautiful thing to behold. Thank you for sharing. You really are lucky.. and talented to bring her back to glory. <3
        Sep 5, 2020
      4. luckycordel
        Aw Thanks You! Crystal :)
        Sep 5, 2020
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    Willie's Roadhouse
    Watching fire