The Random/Not-so-random Post Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 607, Oct 19, 2014.


Which of these things do you know?

The cake is a lie. 120 vote(s) 80.5%
I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee. 88 vote(s) 59.1%
Darude - Sandstorm 88 vote(s) 59.1%
How has this video 301 views, if there are only 7 people on the earth? :o (Or something alike) 79 vote(s) 53.0%
#ShadyShannon 34 vote(s) 22.8%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I'm not the only one of who the "liked videos" playlist has maxed out, right? :p I've been at 2000 videos for years, I think xD
    I really wonder what happens now: if it just doesn't display the older videos in the playlist or it actually subtracts a like from those other videos.
  2. The word you are looking for, I believe, is subtract.
    607 and Chespinlover77 like this.
  3. Teach me your ways o wise trapper777 ;)
  4. Oh, whoops xD Thank you, haha!
  5. 1.8 within 2 - 3 days? as announced earlier today? Let us hope for the best!
  6. I am a Banana Potato, fear my mango wrath!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  7. I'll give you my top 5, this is in no certain order.
    1. PeanutButterGamer - He's funny and does great series like "G-Files" and his Top 10 countdowns. He has a Gameplay channel and he mostly does PC and Nintendo content on there.
    2. PewDiePie - You should all know who he is, he's funny and random and plays great games. My favourite series are "5 Weird Stuff Online", "3 Free Games" and his current LP of Bloodborne.
    3. jacksepticeye - He plays PC games like Sims 4, Kerbal Space Program and The Escapists. He's funny and plays interesting games (apart from HuniePop :p)
    4. JonTron - He's funny and skits games like "Bubsy" for example.
    5. The Game Theorists - I like MatPat aswell :p He has great theories on videogame characters, like Handsome Jack actually being the Hero, or Toad being a genderless clone which is being controlled by mycelium.
    607 likes this.
  8. So... as some of you will know, it was my birthday Tuesday. I got a card from one of my friends, but that was it. I thought.
    I could tell you a great long story, but I'm sure 90% of the people reading this prefer things short and clear:

    Yes. Seven of my friends secretly got together and arranged a present. I didn't notice anything of it. They had a whatsapp group, and whenever I went to the toilet or something, messages were sent and arrangements were held, and I didn't sense anything.
    They seriously bought a Nintendo 64, with Super Mario 64 for me.
    Trapper777, Starpuncher and haastregt like this.

  9. Etho!!1!1! :D, you know he is a great actor too.
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  10. I sure do, hahaha xD Episode 404 was amazing.
  11. That is what I was referring too xD
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  12. Are you planning on getting more games for it?
  13. Yeah, I'd like to get Mario Kart 64, and a second controller, to play with my younger brother. I'm struggling to find a site to buy it from, though. A site that I can trust, I mean.
  14. I went to a lecture at the university of Groningen yesterday. It was about how the ancient Greek and Romans did stuff like counting, accounting, calendars... lots of things. It was quite interesting, but I think I'll have forgotten 80% of it by the time of next week :p
    I went together with three girls from my year and two guys from a year higher. It was fun! I got home after 10 PM though, which is a bit late when you need to go to school the next morning :rolleyes:
  15. Wow, I had never seen this before. It's really cool. I'm not sure what all supports this, but Chrome does for sure. Use "WASD" keys to look around. You may need to click the video twice before it works.
    colepuncher likes this.
  16. Yeah I have seen a couple of these videos, what I like the most is that when you are using an Ipad you can just move your ipad and the video moves in the same direction!
    Patr1cV likes this.
  17. Hm, I don't think that works on iOS 6 :(
  18. Nope :/, we updated to IOS 8. .... Something, or just 8 i dont know :p
    Patr1cV likes this.
  19. What happened to SkyDragon? Does anyone know more than what it says on his profile? He doesn't respond to my personal messages.
  20. I didn't know about anything until I just checked
    If he has left, that's his own decision. If he isn't enjoying being here anymore, it's a good decision for him to take a break