Good Samaritan Award: WINNER ANNOUNCED

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Hashhog, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. That things aren't so great**
  2. Anyone saying this is a fair line of reasoning doesn't understand what reasoning is. all this is is self loathing. Congrats to everyone involved and thank you for hosting such an awesome event even if others want to try to take away from it because of their own selfish reasons.
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  3. Um, I'm sure Nami didn't post anything in this thread because of selfish reasons.
    ShelLuser and hashhog3000 like this.
  4. What is causing you all to complain?

    This awesome event deserves the best.

    If you don't like how the event is being hold, stay out - this is nothing special, it's just a little way telling our best players how much we appreciate them.
  5. I was saying it is unfair to a lot of people since most don't get to participate for the rewards, i went on to state that this whole thing should be changed to something which everyone can play in, and not a select few. I also stated that such a theme does not need to be turned into a contest and for prizes, a lot of people on EMC help and do it out of their own good hearts. If you want to call me selfish for wanting to get everyone involved go ahead but i'd advise reading other comments and not select few. I could also easily refer you to all my other posts in the forum if you really need to judge my character, you will find i am the complete opposite of your opinion. And if that does not convince you, then i would happily arrange for my mother who is also on here to speak with you so she can reassure you.

    And Faithcaster i am going to have to say that everyone in EMC is the best, several select people do not make it what it is. This contest is to show appreciation to nominated people, they do deserve the praise. My point in most of my posts on here was to state that most of EMC are the same and deserve equal praise, hence why i wanted to have something to get more people involved and praised.

    I think we should just shush about all of that now and just let the contest go on without anymore interruptions. If you try to continue disrupting it then this pug below will get you.
    JesusPower2, ShelLuser, Dwiss and 3 others like this.
  6. Omg! Caden xD . I think I know who I am voting for! :p *pats caden on back*
  7. *blushing*
  8. XP Yassss
    607 and Gawadrolt like this.
  9. Voting ends tonight! Get those last minute votes in! :D
  10. Good luck to all who were nominated - there are a lot of deserving people on that list! :)
    Please check out the main post for each server winner and the link to vote for the grand prize winner! Please vote! :D
  12. Thanks so much to everyone who voted for me :D *Internet hugs all round*

    Congratulations to all the other server winners too :3
    Justin8846, 607, Gawadrolt and 3 others like this.
  13. Yipee! =D Thanks to all who voted for me, and congrats to all the server winners. Most of all, congrats to everyone who was nominated and biggest thanks to hashhog3000 (my little goldfish. =P)
    Justin8846, 607, Gawadrolt and 3 others like this.
  14. Oh my....

    I honestly didn't expect that to happen, guess that explains the money you paid me Hashhog. And that would also explain the mail I just got I suppose.

    Thanks to all the people who voted for me, awesomeness!

    The 70k will be going right back at you guys (meaning the server as a whole). I'm adding that as funds for my redstone tutorial project (I hope a little spam is allowed? ;)), making update after this post (is why I added the link; so that I can easily follow it myself ;)).

    As to the promo's; I'm keeping the fireworks because that's a promo I wouldn't be able to easily get myself (I don't collect promo's fanatically, so wouldn't buy them). But I also have some plans for the others ;)

    Thanks again to all who voted for me; that kinda makes me feel a bit weird to be honest :)
  15. I'm shocked. I did not expect this! Thank you to hashhog for organizing this award and donating so many of his rupees. Thank you to all the prize donors and voters. And thank you EMC for being an awesome server! :)
    Justin8846, 607, Damiensmom11 and 2 others like this.
  16. Don't thank me for the rupees. ;) Thank the community.
    Justin8846, 607, shavingfoam and 2 others like this.
  17. Very appreciative of the nomination. Thank you to all who participated in the voting and prizes. EMC has so many great players, I am happy to do 'my part' in helping out others. :)
  18. Wow, I didn't expect this! Thanks hashhog3000, and thanks to everyone who participated! It's a pleasure be a part of this wonderful community :)
    Ultimamaxx, 607, SecureCheese and 4 others like this.
  19. Congratulations all! Thanks for making EMC so awesome!!! :)
    607 and hashhog3000 like this.
  20. Congrats to all! *roots for shelluser frantically*
    607, ShelLuser and hashhog3000 like this.