Good Samaritan Award: WINNER ANNOUNCED

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Hashhog, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. Congratz! to all those who won. :D Yay!!
  2. umm, where do I vote? can't seem to find a link. =/
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  3. crystaldragon13 and hashhog3000 like this.
  4. I see 607 has quoted you on it so you can use that form, but the voting link is in the original post :p
    crystaldragon13, 607 and hashhog3000 like this.
  5. Congrats everyone! A well deserving selection of winners. How did I guess highlancer would get it for SMP7? :p
  6. Awww gosh, I have a feeling that shortly (as in once my IRL job is out of our office) we will have to throw some kind of party and have us some fun :D. <3 yall.
  7. Thank ya both kindly. :D
    607 and hashhog3000 like this.
  8. Congratulations to all Winners :)
  9. Congrats to all the winners!
  10. Congrats to those that won!
  11. The fact that shavingfoam won on SMP5 shows yet again to me that people don't bother looking beyond the surface for these things.

    I know I will almost certainly get hostile replies to this, I don't care, I am not being hostile just stating my opinion.

    Many do not know me, but a few do - and know I hold everyone to harsh high standards and don't get along with hardly anyone except the best of the best of people.

    That award should have gone to wassatthen. shavingfoam raises his prices to take advantage of whatever the market will bear, even if the price is very unreasonable, and that is just a single example of his character. Not the best character on SMP5, though far from the worst.

    I don't feel like typing up a book to support my opinion so I will leave it at just this.
  12. There's a reason that you're about to get hostile replies to this: You are completely out of line. It is one thing to state your opinion, it is another to deliberately tear down a player just because you felt that the results should've been different. I took a look at some old threads, and it turns out the shavingfoam actually won the first Community Appreciation Award:
    Seems like a pretty good guy to me. I try to be patient with people who dislike how the contest was run, but accusations like this cannot be condoned. In the future, if you think that a different player should've won, you can express that without going into additional detail as to why you think the current winner shouldn't have. I personally think that shavingfoam is quite deserving of the award, as were all other SMP5 nominees, and there's no way that the winner is going to be changed. In other words, hostile remarks such as yours do absolutely nothing except creative negative energy and very possibly make the players involved feel like dirt.

    EDIT: In retrospect, I realize that I too probably ended up being a little more harsh than I intended with this post. I apologize for that, but I do hope that you understand where I'm coming from. :)
  13. See what hashhog said above me, but I'll add my own input:

    I regularly see shavingfoam helping out, perhaps one one of the top three. Business shouldn't have anything to do with this - taking advantage of the market is a good thing to do. After all, he does run the most popular shop. ;)

    Whenever a player asks a question, he'll help. I'm trying not to repeat anything, but I can't stress enough how much he helps out all players. He's a nice person overall and I'm happy he got the award. :)
    ShelLuser, SEPTHEKID, FDNY21 and 2 others like this.
  14. Just nudging this to the top of the recent threads list. ;) Remember, there are only about 5 days left to vote for the grand prize winner! This is the big one, people!
    AwesomeBuilder33 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  15. 3 more days!
  16. Last day to vote! Get your votes in today or they will not be counted!
    607, FDNY21, SEPTHEKID and 1 other person like this.
  17. *Waits for thread to be updated*
    607, Faithcaster and hashhog3000 like this.
  18. The winner will be announced when I have time to calculate the votes tonight. :) I'm going to busy all day, so you guys are gonna have to wait a bit more! :p
    607, SEPTHEKID and AwesomeBuilder33 like this.
  19. Good luck to the server winners, you're all really deserving of this award! :)
    (although I may be rooting for my fellow smp6'er)
  20. Way back in February, this year's Good Samaritan Award was announced... now, to our great excitement, it ends.
    See the main post to see who won the Good Samaritan Award of 2015!