Woah, easy there. This is supposed to be a friendly discussion here. All this is a matter of opinion. I stated why I believe it's not a sport and you stated why you believe it is. I respect your decision so please respect mine. And eating competitions do take some training (oddly enough). Also, in order to do any sport, it's not necessary to be physically demanding and athletic.
I'm confused. Which side of this are you on? You keep moving the goalposts depending on what you are talking about.
Kephras stated that to play a sport it was necessary to be physically demanding and athletic and that's not entirely true. However, just because something is "physically demanding" doesn't mean it's a sport.
The definition has been posted multiple times: Physical exertion or skill, and competition. Both cheerleading and food eating fit the definition, yet you argued for one and against the other.
I said eating competitions take some training. I never said cheerleading didn't. Cheerleading does take skill, but as I said before, one can be skilled at a variety of things such as: Flying a Plane, walking on your hands, and weight lifting. It takes skill to do all of those and it's possible to have a competition concentrating on that specific activity. It still doesn't make it a sport
I have to agree with Tomijo, as she is much prettier than Deathconn. and yes, IMOH cheer leading is a sport.
I believe cheerleading is a sport because if hitting, throwing, dribbling, and kicking a ball is considered a sport, than cheerleading is. I also think that a sport doesn't necessarily have to be on TV. I also believe dancing is a sport. There are competitions and dance is more than just doing fun and crazy moves. Dance relates to cheerleading because cheerleading is a form of dance. Cheerleading did not come FROM dance but they are similar. If this makes no sense, I'm sorry XD. but i DO think cheerleading is a sport lol.
Like the NFL or NBA, but not as big. This is like arguing whether white chocolate is actually chocolate.
Here it is everyone deathconn said it. I dont care if he said to keep other quite but he said it. Woot Woot. I win CHEERLEADING IS A SPORT!!!!!!
YEs it is a sport girls work there gluteus maximuses off at practices id love Mr.Deathconn here do what some cheerleaders could do then maybe he will have a change of heart to see if it is a sport
I triple dog dare you that you can't refuse, dare deathconn to do cheerleading for a year and come back and tell me what he thinks after the year is done. After he competes for state or what ever you have in your state. Boo Ya I went there!!!
People said competitive swimming wasn't a sport or synchronized swimming but look how far it has come now chearleading is just as equal sport then it is to hockey and football
My sister was a competitive cheerleader when she was younger and I've seen the work put into it. It takes all kinds of effort, coordination, and skill just as any other sport. They have practices, rely on each other as a team should, and overall kick some butt. Though to be honest, so does band and they don't call marching band a sport. Which they should because omg the effort it takes...(never been in it, but had friends in it). I honestly think anything that is competitive between teams/people, etc should be considered a sport because they all require training, dedication, and passion.
There isn't (or at least wasn't for many, many years) a national/international league for climbing either. Still, it is a sport.
I would consider the gymnastics portion of cheerleading to somewhat be a "sport". The yelling and rhyming not so much. I think cheerleading in general gets a negative stigma because people assume cheerleaders aren't very intelligent (not sure why or how that started). I think another reason most people don't consider it a sport (which I don't really agree with) is because it's not really something you can make a career out of to the point where you can support yourself doing it. Yeah, the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders are popular and publicly known, but if you look into what they actually make, it isn't much. I briefly cheered way back and I personally wouldn't consider it a sport. To me, it's similar to doing something like hiking. It's strenuous and can take a lot of physical effort, but it's still just a hobby.