Ok let's learn some cheer terms tumbling (the gymnastics of cheer) witch is hard work to do. Stunting (the group that puts people in the air witch includes the person in the air) you have two bases a back spot and flier. Then you have chants the little cheers yell on the side line. Then you have cheers that are I would call a short routine that could involve stunting and tumbling. There there a routin that involves maybe a cheer it involves a dance stunting and tumbling. Sorry I take cheer seriously so let's call the terms the way they are. Sorry I have a pation for cheer so ya. Now you learned something new.
Cheerleading is more like a PART of a sport, not a sport itself, like there are cheerleaders for football but cheerleading isn't really done just alone (or is it? lol idk)
I say it's a sport... I don't even care about competitions or whatever, but if running around on a wood floor trying to throw an orange ball into a net is a sport, I don't see why running around a wood floor and leaping over people and yelling and waving isn't. I do believe there is gymnastics in the Olympics, and isn't cheerleading kind of like a cousin or younger sibling to gymnastics? I could say that things such as basketball or golf are also hobbies, couldn't I? According to Google, a sport is "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment." Physical exertion and skill, check. And tomijo's made it pretty clear that there are squads that compete, so competition, check. And all this for entertainment, check (there's no benefit other than entertainment to doing it, so I assume cheerleaders do it for fun and not to train for an oncoming apocalypse or something). Also, Google claims it is a sport. I know that not everything you read on the internet is true, but when little pieces like this build up, it's pretty clear to see that cheerleading is indeed a sport.
Clearly. Maybe the term they didn't teach you is "opinion". Everyone has one. This is an opinion thread, so coming back and getting annoyed at each person that has a different opinion than you isn't productive.
Whoa back up and reverse pal no need to get hostile. No one getting annoyed or anything last time I checked I wasn't. I was sharing my opinion too that I take it seriously. And I love to talk about cheerleading. Is that wrong. Now if this gonna turn negative I can ask desthconn to get a staff to take it down. No one getting defensive or annoyed or negative we are all sharing our view and opinions.
And if my comment about cheer terms sound negative it's not intended to be that way. Just talking cheer.
If this also sounds negative not intended but what I'm seeing you doing is taking a part out of the comment of tomijo95's and making it sound worse.... That or you mis-read and didn't understand what she was saying happens to me a lot and is really embarrassing
I didn't misread or try to make anything sound worse. I was just stating an opinion. No negativity or hostility involved. Whether or not people agree on cheerleading being a sport has no actual effect on my life. This seemed like an opinion thread, which is why I gave mine.
Let it be a sport. Why not, competitive bowling, fishing and pool are sports. Not to mention curling. Come on if curling is a sport, using a broom to make a weight slide on ice, it's even in the Olympics, then most anything can be, right. Plus, I'd much rather watch a bunch of college girls jump around that sweaty fat guys with a bowling ball any day.
I've never heard of Major League Football (or soccer for Americans... thank you for making me utter such profanities >.>), but that's still a sport