Look what the leprechaun left behind!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Buy hey, there is no slaughter without a laugh
  2. I see... so basically its DEATH in a machine? can I have one?
    Disease death and destruction type though?
  3. Well, there are probably tutorials on how to kill things on YouTube
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  4. Aight.
  5. Senseless slaughter for useless medal! So
    Much fun!
    Chief_McCloud likes this.
  6. yah! gold! :p
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  7. alright then
  8. Awesome promotional item :p Neat touch to the collection :D
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  9. Also, your a contrib member..

    Just wow.. :p
    ShelLuser and crystaldragon13 like this.
  10. Now this is the second promo I won't be able to get...
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. I Agree... If your player that has made decent or high output Gold farm. You know to make the PotofGold promo at same level as High output it would take at least 1 7/8th Dc filled of Potofgolds to get around one stack of Gold blocks. So you would need to buy maximum of 105 from the shop and it would cost you around 1,575,000R to just get a stack of gold blocks. I'm basing these numbers of a maxium output of 50 nuggets per pot gives a player. So is this PotofGold promo destroying the gold economy.. NO.. also math...math is good.

    If PotofGold gave you 10 nuggets each time: You'll need at least 56 DC filled of Potogolds. So you would need to buy maximum of 3,024 PotofGolds from the shop and it would cost you around 45,345,000r. I did alot of rounding and other shortcuts so these numbers are close to the right amount to get one stack of gold blocks. fyi High Output Gold farm only cost to make around 300k if you choose buy all the stuff and not collect from the frontier or wasteland.

    *waits for chickeneer math approval :p
  12. haha 35 nuggets in one try! :)
  13. Yay! Another great promo!
    Well done guys!
  14. leprechaun stole my clothes and my pot of gold -.-
  15. Thank you!
    Now I can get golden carrots
  16. If the rampant spread of gold farms hadn't done that already, this certainly won't.
    crystaldragon13 and Gawadrolt like this.
  17. I feel like there are a lot of people here that didn't read the last line of the OP. You can buy them in the empire shop... shiny stuff that has little more use than being shiny :D Like the story though! One less space in my "promo garbage" chest lol. Now, if they take it out of the shop then maybe it will be worth something down the line. Like MOST promos, as a souvenir.

    Also, please don't tick off the forum elitists with their unwritten rules. They will troll the world until no one understands how to use the forums. just let them post their useless message that replied to your useless message and... doh, i did it again.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. Nice! Does it drop normal gold nuggets or special ones?
  19. Normal gold Nuggets
  20. naaaah. =]