Meet Blizz Ard!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. I have had the same expereince... before update = quite a few noses, post-update = nothin' but snow.

    I don't think there is a way of them giving you a rough estimate even, my sister, post-update, got one her second blizz ard...
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  2. Well, it turns out that I did eventually get a nose *yeyz*, and I believe it was from my 31st or 32nd blizz ard.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  3. I just looted a holiday chest, then got shot by a skeleton. The X cooridinate was on smp5 -136
  4. The problem is that I can't give you that number because it changes under circumstances and we can't reveal all those circumstances...You should ask those that have got one though to see how many they killed. Though remember that it's based on chance. For example, I've killed 100 wither skeletons and received 2 wither skulls. Though I've also killed 5 wither skeletons and received 2's luck...
    607 and cadgamer101 like this.
  5. I killed a Super Turkey and Blizz Ard last night three minutes apart and got a Turkey Slicer and Blizz Ard Nose, so perhaps luck fluctuates on a server wide basis.
    607, kyukyu99 and cadgamer101 like this.
  6. I can confirm, it fluctuates apparentlty avoiding me :)
    607, cadgamer101 and Johnsface101 like this.
  7. It was kinda in a hole, so instead of "go die in a hole tina" it should be "go die in a hole cole"
  8. Speaking of re-named items... I'm wondering ... I took my renamed ender-chest over to utopia wild today ... prior to this whenever i'm in waste nether on two etc... i could break it with a regular diamond pick and receive the chest back... I broke it today in utopia wild with a regular diamond pick and it gave me 8 obsidian... was this changed?
  9. They're Awesome :)
  10. Something has been changed
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  11. The nose should be equippable and make you do something? :p
    kyukyu99 likes this.
  12. Here's what I WAS thinking:
    Blizz Ard spawn message: The area is getting colder...
    Nose use message: It's not cold enough to use this yet...
    That didn't work.
    Here's what I am thinging:
    Holiday chest message: You sense some holiday magic coming from (x,z)
    Nose lore: Who nose where this nose came from. Maybe it's magic?
  13. Wish I had seen this post BEFORE I found that Holiday Chest. >.<
    607 likes this.
  14. xD
  15. Are you supposed to be getting messages? I did get the super turkey ones a few times, but I've never gotten one for chests, or Blizz Ards. Which is weird since I've found four chests within a few chunks of each other.
  16. yes, you get messages when they spawn...but blizz ards are much more rare than super turkey
    607 likes this.
  17. Alright, I must be coming on after the messages pop up, because every chest and Blizz Ard I have found was by simply stumbling upon them, with no message in chat.
    607 likes this.
  18. I live near a wild Outpost, so lots of people, who never seem to search for'em... I've probably found 15 blizz ards that other people had spawn for them, and they just never found...
    607 likes this.
  19. I've made my blizz ard living my having people not find them :p
  20. its amazing how little patience some people have...
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