Meet Blizz Ard!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. Managed to find a Blizz Ard and 2 Super Turkeys in the same river...
    607 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  2. You've got time. Don't get discouraged.
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  3. Don't worry, I haven't even started yet :D
  4. im being serious xD just after i posted that i saw one hahahah lol xD only a snowball but i seem to have found a spot that spawns well :)
    krysyyjane9191 and BTHarrold98 like this.
  5. I've seen the message twice, but I couldn't find the snowmen after over an hour of searching. I'm not sure if they're able to spawn in caves, or if I just can't find them or something.
  6. they spawn in any location that an ordinary mob can spawn in(exlcuding deserts, and ocean-biomes)
  7. They do spawn in caves, so if you can't find them on land then they're more than likely in a cave.
  8. Got the message and hunted him down in a mineshaft. He was hanging out with 4 Super Turkey's and one was nice enough to give me his Turkey Slicer.... :p (Yeah I said 4!!)

    EDIT: And just found a feast chest lol
    607 likes this.
  9. it costs tokens :(
  10. since noone has posted about it yet... hint: blizzard can be killed easier than it appears.
  11. Shovel?
  12. No one has posted, but it is confirmed at least one person knows =P
    607 and BTHarrold98 like this.
  13. OMGERD!
  14. OMGERD!
  15. Do you know? I have a guess since I've had a pretty darn easy time, LOL. :p
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  16. Maybe ;P
  17. I have a few guesses but I am still clueless since I am lazy send me a pm if you know or dont I really wouldnt care XD Im thinkin a shovel or a snowball or fire idk
  18. Fire makes it go pretty quickly. Been using a Voter's Sword the whole time. :)
    Johnsface101 likes this.
  19. Voter's gear is the only way! with that HP, you'd be repairing too much stuff haha
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  20. Wait, voter's gear is the key? Or shovels? Or fire? Ahhh, confusion!
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