Meet Blizz Ard!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. Oh ya that's right. Only reason I found the 1 I did was it was fighting a spider :D
  2. Try going underground if you don't see them above. Sucks that they don't make noise like turkeys.
    DubChef likes this.
  3. they do however, have a nice red name tag, easier to find.. and they won't be found in lava o.0
    kyukyu99 likes this.
  4. Out of the 10 I've killed now, 2 were above ground, 8 were below. But to be fair there is a ton of caves under where I'm hanging out so there are plenty of places for them to spawn still even after I've spent weeks lighting everything up.
    LEORYAN10 likes this.
  5. i killed one, all i got was a few snowballs and 5 diamonds, it took up a whole iron sword and the rest of my diamond axe to kill it. But i had fun doing it :p
    kyukyu99 and wkramer79 like this.
  6. Ohh the irony :D

    when is this going to be fixed as I really want to find a little Snowlaf Blizz Ard
    607, Kabloofne and FDNY21 like this.
  7. Please tell if this offer on avalaunchers is time limited ?
  8. What do you mean fixed? Trust me, the super turkeys are not newly spawned. They are simply leftover. There is a snowman somewhere around there
  9. Hmm strage.. I could not find the snowman but the turkey so I thought there was an issue with the spawning.
    But thanks for clarificating that :) So I have to look for him later
    seventythree, 607 and Krysyy like this.
  10. found 3 snow men and 1 turkey in last 2 days lucky coz i wasnt on during the turkey event :p
  11. I guess you could call them
    Thanksgiving Leftovers
    *ba dum tssh*
  12. does it end you chance of getting any thing good when it comes up you the mob is haveing trouble hitting you 4 time i killed him now 4 times it said that by mistake and all i get is snow from him
  13. Yes, it does. You should make sure that message doesn't appear, although I hear that's hard sometimes.
  14. My ultra-sensitive hunter's instincts tell me that the rogue Blizz Ard who recently spawned and fled is now hiding out in the depths of the dark forest. I know, my senses are awfully keen to locate such a well-hidden spot. It will be tricky to track Mr. Ard down, but something tells me I can do it!
  15. Umg bruh flyhax get bn4d nub get owt bru
    hashhog3000 and 607 like this.
  16. To get my amazing flyhacks, just build a giant cobblestone platform in the sky, stand on it, and say you're flying. That's my method! :D
  17. I saw the message 15 minutes ago, but I still haven't found anything.
  18. It is a decoy path, he actually went the other direction
  19. got my first blizzard nose today!
    kyukyu99 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  20. still havnt found one after hours and hours of searching :(
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