Meet Blizz Ard!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. Or something orange. :p
    607 and Johnsface101 like this.
  2. I don't know about you... but throwing snow balls at it makes sense to me... if you throw snow at it, the snow would stick, making it too fat to move...and it'd die of starvation o.0 uh..what? haha

    pretty sure the shovel is probably the secret weapon, but still gonna use voter's gear 'cause I hate repairing stuff..
  3. just find him knock him in a hole then strip and wack him with my sword

    also just killed my 6th 1 and no shovel or fire or snow balls helped in killing him so i dont know what makes it easy
    (It does 4 hearts instead of 1/2)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  5. I use a Voters Sword which has fire on it, it dies fairly quickly but I think that Aikar is referring to an even faster way.
  6. I'd imagine lava would wreck him in a hurry :p but how many people carry buckets of magma around...?
    other than me
    hashhog3000 and NathanRP like this.
  7. You would not want to use lava, or other environment damage - (if you want the special loot)
  8. Wait, did you say it drives me up the wall? Do you mean, it drives you down the caves? Haha! I should be a comedian...
    Johnsface101 and hashhog3000 like this.
  9. and for those unluckly souls, such as myself... its may drive you straight into a lava pool o.0
  10. Oh, trust me, you're not the only one :p
  11. So, new question time:

    I have two accounts up, roughly 300 blocks away from each other(290/320), I got the notification on both account at the exact same time, yet Blizz ard was all of 30 block away from my second account(more like 320 from the first account).... how far does it send the message for these guys?
  12. The snowballs he throws will damage your armor, but not hurt you. Take off your armor before fighting him. :)
    deathconn and cadgamer101 like this.
  13. voter's armor man!! Voter's armor!! haha

    and yes, that is my answer to everything...
    cadgamer101 and 607 like this.
  14. Aphaea and I found some minecraft minis today...
  15. all that powder....
  16. Yeah, the instant potatoes box had a hole in it, so I got creative before I threw it away.

    And by box, I mean balloon.
    Instant potatoes straight from Bogota.
    PandasEatRamen and 607 like this.
  17. I thought that trail was something else for a sec...

  18. One of the harder holiday chests I've had to find...
  19. I personally have encountered a Blizz Ard. Or rather, he encountered me. Word to the wise: If you're bending over a pool of lava mining diamonds and you get a notification that the air is getting colder, turn around. That hot tub was a little too toasty for my liking. =P Great promo, guys! I think that a lot of people are going to have fun with this. :)
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