Meet Blizz Ard!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. blizz just loves to explore there are strip mines that are just full of snow no way to track him
    607 likes this.
  2. I will hunt one sometime.. (302nd post >:3)
  3. "Luckily" I took off my fire protection armor so to not lose it from snowball damage before I fell in and lost all my stuff lol It was one of those mash buttons frantically hoping something works out. Then the couple second stare at your monitor that reads "You Died"..... :p
  4. Anyone having good luck with Blizz ards in the last 24 hours? I've been having terrible luck... I've gotten tons of blizz ards, but nothing but snow and diamonds....So, Who's been getting my Noses? =P
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  5. Just got four Dragon Stone Fragments from Mr. Ard. :D No nose yet, though. :(
  6. killed 16 so far got 2 noses from some today
  7. You stole my Mo-Jo >.> I lost all my luck, and I think it was your fault... I think you should mail me those noses o.0 hahahaa
  8. Funny you ask. Just found 2 snowmen pretty close and got a nose from each with my brand new Looting 3 sword >.<
  9. I hate you all... =D kindly..
    ThaKloned likes this.
  10. I'll sell you mine for 10 mil :p
  11. I've still got two =P I got want more!! o.0
  12. I will pay 30k
  13. They go for more like 55-60k right now.
  14. uh, I've sold two now, both of which over 250k xD (One I technically just traded for an avalauncher, but seeing those have been going 300/500k)
  15. >_> They're that rare? Most people seem to value them at less than 70k.
  16. Yet to go hunting for Mr Ard, but I'm curious about his carrot so I might have to go searching for him sometime soon :p
  17. They seem fairly rare to me, I got three, back to back....then I've killed another 30 without anything but snow and diamonds...
  18. Still no clue how you're getting so many. O_O I've killed five so far, LOL. No carrot as of yet. :p
  19. Well, between just getting lucky, and using two accounts, aswell as every now and then people who can't find theirs ask me for help(though, some times I can't find them either xD), and when they give up, if I ever find it, I count it too.
  20. Nice... I should use two accounts. Time to go get my employee! :D
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