Meet Blizz Ard!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. Well I don't personally recommend constantly moving. I've made several posts stating that my recommendation is to find a general area to stay in and get to know well. We have an outpost in the Frontier on SMP8 so I know the area I live in very well and so when they spawn I know exactly where to find them. I also have been online almost the entire time since the promo started. I'm an addict, you see. So I'm not the one claiming I found 10 Blizz Ards plus 3 Marlix's etc etc all within an hour. This is what I've found in the past few days since this promo started:

    1) 7 Blizz Ard's killed (9 notices, other players killed the other 2)
    2) 1 Blizz Ard Nose
    3) 2 Holiday Chests found (3 notices, another player got the other one)

    So they definitely aren't as abundant as the Super Turkeys were.
  2. I've been told 128 blocks(for blizz), but the chests are generally like 5-10 blocks out o.0
    I have no life, I've probably spent 5 hrs a day on MC for the last two days... I quit my job(un related to this event), so it helps =P
  3. Double posting 'cause I don't know how to quote someone after I already posted...

    you found 10 blizz ards within an hr?(thats how I read it xD) if so... you've got some tricks I need to learn o.0
  4. Does "the area has gotten colder" signify a chest or Blizz Ard?
  5. Oh okay, thank you, sorry for the false information X_X
  6. that signifies the Blizz Ard

    the chest notification gives you the coordinates of the chest
  7. No, I haven't done anything for just an hour on EMC lol

    My stats I posted are since the promo started... so several days.
    607 likes this.
  8. ah ok, just to clarify xD I need that cheat code though xD haha
  9. Okay what you need to do is use Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A B A Start
    bloodra1n, 607 and kyukyu99 like this.
  10. Thanks! I'll be using that!! o..0 haha

    just for bragging rights:
    krysyyjane9191 and wkramer79 like this.
  11. Image broken. :p

    I hate the fact that they spawn underground, drives me up the wall. XD Just saw another spawn message I couldn't find.
  12. You can see them underground as long as you're semi-close to them. Their names are in the dark red so the names show up as black underground, I think they're a bit harder to see than the Super Turkeys were.

    I'd offer to help you find them in the area you saw the notice but I'm going afk for awhile. Anyone who joins our group out in the Frontier in SMP8 I can help when I get back though.
  13. image still showing as it works for me, idk, it just shows I now have three noses =P

    as for that blizz ard you haven't found, if you PM me the co-ords, I'd love the check it out for ya.. haha
    607 likes this.
  14. oh geez, I just found a Super Turkey while looking for Blizz Ard. How long has this guy been overlooked lol
  15. Yay I got the nose!
    For those of you who are wondering I build a mine cart that runs through about 5 chucks, then I ride it back and forth for hours while I read my winter break assignment with my computer on my lap. When I get the notice I immediately go caving as the three I found have all been in caves. I got my nose after only 3 kills so I think I got pretty lucky but it sure does take a long time for the message to come up and it can be mind numbing to find the golems. Just keep at it and you will find it, I'm probably about 4-5 hours into riding that mine cart since yesterday so they sure aren't common.
    wkramer79 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  16. I've found 3 above ground. Just saying, they don't only spawn underground.
    DubChef, wkramer79 and southpark347 like this.
  17. 4th message I've gotten at my new base and not 1 sign of any of them. Will they despawn after awhile or stay there until found?
  18. I'm almost certain they don't despawn.
    607 and ThaKloned like this.
  19. So eventually I'll be really happy once I run into them lol
  20. assuming they're like super turkeys... you'll be finding them in weeks =P on the other hand, they are agro... so they may(after a REALLY long time) be killed by a mob...
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